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Interesting pic on that video. The color scheme on the leading CSX locomotive is called "Dark Future". :scratch: The one trailing it is in the "Bright Future" scheme.

Screenshot (409)

Patricia N.
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Biden Warned to Stop Redirecting Air Marshals to Border as ‘Major Security Incidents’ Occur on Recent U.S. Flights:

In recent weeks, United States airlines have seen “two major security incidents” on domestic commercial flights with no Federal Air Marshals in sight as President Joe Biden redirects them to facilitate illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border, the agency’s union warns.

There have been two major security incidents on aircraft within the past few weeks in which the media has indicated there were no Federal Air Marshals on board. According to the Washington Post on November 11, 2022 a man boarded a Frontier flight 1761 with two box cutters. The man threatened to stab the passengers and crew and had to be subdued by other passengers. The flight was forced to divert and the suspect was taken into custody.

Most recently, according to the Post, another man was allowed to board JetBlue flight 871 with a small-edged weapon. The suspect placed the edged weapon to the throat of at least one passenger. He was later arrested and charged with several federal offenses. According to the Federal Aviation Administration year to date there have been 2,178 reports of unruly passengers, 767 investigations initiated, and 517 enforcement actions taken. Not to mention the fact there have been two attempted attacks on our homeland since 9/11 during the holiday season.

The Air Marshal National Council is calling on Biden to “stop these dangerous and irresponsible deployments” of Air Marshals to the border “before our adversaries take advantage of the opportunity this policy has provided.”


Patricia N.
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Secession movements gain traction in US amid deepening political rifts: 'A long-standing problem':

Recent polls suggest that many Americans support some form of political divorce amid widening ideological divides.

Such movements have emerged in every region of the U.S. and vary in their goals. Some aim for entire states to leave the union to form a new country, while others endeavor more simply that rural red counties secede from the domination of blue urban centers to form new states. All agree that the disagreements with their political opponents have grown intractable.

Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement. . . Miller's organization endeavors to see Texas leave the union and revert to the sovereign republic it was from 1836, when it broke from Mexico, until it was annexed by the U.S. in 1845.

Miller, who wrote "TEXIT: Why and How Texas Will Leave the Union" in 2018, offered the unrestrained surge of illegal immigration at the Texas border during the Biden administration as a prime example of why he believes the state should go its own way.

G.H. Merritt, who serves as chairwoman of the grassroots organization New Illinois, told Fox News Digital that far from impeding them, modern technology has widened the efforts of her movement, which aims to form a new state and emancipate Illinois' conservative rural counties from the political dominance of Chicago and Cook County in the state's General Assembly. New Illinois so far has committees in 30 of Illinois' 102 counties, Merritt said.

Conservative rural voters in Illinois who believe they lack fair representation are echoing their counterparts in Oregon and elsewhere, according to Matt McCaw, a leader in the Greater Idaho movement.

"We have this long-standing problem in Oregon, which is that the west side of Oregon is very populated and very left-leaning, while the east side of Oregon is very rural and very conservative," McCaw explained to Fox News Digital.  Deciding that secession from the liberal rule of the Portland area was the best solution, they went county by county taking to voters their idea of shifting the border of red-state Idaho westward.

Their measure made it on the ballot and recently clinched support from a majority in two more Oregon counties in November, securing them election wins in 11 of the 15 counties that are proposed to depart the state to join its more conservative neighbor.  Greater Idaho's supporters argue that its electoral victories indicate that all 15 counties would vote to support the measure if given the chance.

"If you look at this last election, you see that it's not just Oregon," said McCaw. "This is true across the United States, that we have these major urban areas that vote one way, and everywhere else in the state that's rural votes another way. That causes all sorts of polarization and political tension that doesn't need to be there. People are looking for a solution."

Merritt, who has been in touch with members of the similar New California movement, blamed some of the present political tension between urban and rural Americans on Reynolds v. Sims, a landmark 1964 Supreme Court decision that ruled the electoral districts of state legislative chambers must be roughly equal in population.

Everett Dirksen, a senator from Illinois who served as Senate minority leader at the time, railed against the ruling and led an abortive effort to pass a constitutional amendment that would establish state legislative districts based on land area instead of population. "The forces of our national life are not brought to bear on public questions solely in proportion to the weight of numbers," he argued.



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Trump Responds To Massive Twitter Files Drop – “Fraud” – “TOTALLY CORRUPT”:

Elon Musk released bombshell Twitter files on Friday Night exposing just how corrupt Twitter was throughout the 2020 election.  It showed that throughout the 2020 election the Biden team reached out to Twitter about deleting certain tweets.

It showed that Twitter employees knew the Hunter Biden story didn’t contain hacked material but they kept it censored anyway.  Major corruption that impacted the 2020 election.

(From Trump) Truth Social:

Wow! That’s a really big story about Twitter and various forms of government Fraud including, specifically, Election Fraud. The same level of Fraud took place with the other Big Tech companies, if not even worse (if that’s possible?). We are living in a VERY CORRUPT COUNTRY &, AS THEY ARE SAYING ALL OVER THE INTERNET, “NOTHING WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT BECAUSE THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT & FBI ARE TOTALLY CORRUPT.” But they’ll keep investigating “boxes” that were legally & openly taken from the W.H.



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Elon Musk: It Is Likely Twitter Interfered in 2022 Brazilian Election:

Elon Musk continues to drop bomb after bomb on the leftist company’s interference in Democratic elections.

On Saturday Elon Musk admitted Twitter likely interfered in the Brazilian presidential elections in favor of convicted felon and Socialist Lula de Silva.  This is BIG, BIG News!

It was already posted this month that Twitter was censoring President Bolsonaro's supporters’ accounts.  Twitter and Facebook have been interfering in democratic elections around the world. They have been picking favorites and targeting opposing voices for years now.  And Google also manipulated search results against Jair Bolsonaro.

(Note: They have been having demonstrations and riots in Brazil over what is considered a false election.)


Patricia N.
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FBI Held Weekly Calls with Big Tech Before 2020 Election and Provided List of URLs Pushing “Disinformation” for Big Tech to Censor:

The FBI worked with social media to kill the Hunter laptop story before the 2020 election.

These goons running the FBI are not on the side of the people.  Their job is to run cover for crooked politicians and put good people who shine the light on their crimes behind bars.

Elvis Chan revealed that “we found that the FBI plays a big role in working with social media companies to censor speech – from weekly meetings with social media companies ahead of the 2020 election to asks for account takedowns."

The FBI is corrupt to the core.  They worked with corrupt individuals at social media companies.  They have no regard for Americans’ free speech rights.  They don’t care.  They only support far-left liberal and now communist actors in politics.

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The Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi is nearly complete and mere weeks away from opening its doors to Chrislam and the One World Religion

The world now accepts the idea of a Roman Catholic peace covenant brokered between a pope and an imam, and within this covenant a room is reserved for the Jews. Like all movements of man, it has a palatial headquarters, known as the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi, which is now just week away from being completed. It is considered one of the marvels of our age, alongside of the Abraham Accords. The stage is almost set, the players are all present and accounted for, all we need now is our 23 Skidoo.

“For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.” Isaiah 29:10

It is surreal watching all this come together, surreal because the whole world is watching it happen, and yet precious few have any ides what they’re seeing. The One World Religion of Chrislam is out in the open for all to see, exactly as the Bible says it would be in the last days, and yet a spirit of slumber from the Lord is preventing recognition on any appreciable level. The nearly complete Abrahamic Family House is a wonderful testimony to this fact.



In the comment section:

The Jews are envious of the speed in which this came together. This is a reply to the twitter post:

Menachem Begin @_Jabotinsky · 10h
Replying to @AD_GQ
It would be nice if we could build our Synagogue as quickly as the Emiratis can build a synagogue!


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Patricia N.
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Trump Organization convicted in executive tax dodge scheme:

NEW YORK (AP) -- Donald Trump's company was convicted of tax fraud Tuesday for helping executives dodge taxes on lavish perks such as Manhattan apartments and luxury cars, in a significant repudiation of financial practices at the former president's business.

A jury found two corporate entities at the Trump Organization guilty on all 17 counts, including conspiracy charges and falsifying business records. Trump himself was not on trial.

The conviction is a validation for New York prosecutors, who have spent three years investigating the former president and his businesses.  As punishment, the Trump Organization could be fined up to $1.6 million -- a relatively small amount for a company of its size.

Trump, who recently announced he was running for president again, has said the case against his company was part of a politically motivated "witch hunt." Speaking outside the courthouse, Trump Organization lawyer Alan Futerfas vowed to appeal.


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TikTok Deal Delayed over National Security Concerns:

Negotiations between the U.S. government and China-owned TikTok have been delayed due to national security concerns involving ByteDance, the app’s Chinese parent company, and its access to the private user data of Americans.

A potential deal between the Biden administration and TikTok is delayed due to ongoing national security concerns, people familiar with the situation say, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal.

The app’s parent company, ByteDance — owned by a hostile foreign country — can force TikTok to hand over the data it has collected on U.S. citizens and give it to the Chinese Communist Party.

Moreover, ByteDance was already caught planning to use TikTok to monitor the physical location of specific American citizens. Last month, TikTok admitted that its employees in China can access the private data of accounts based in other countries.




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