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Carry on!

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Patricia N.
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WAYNE ROOT: Tucker is Outing Obama as Gay. But Everyone is Missing the Big Story. I’m Obama’s College Classmate. I’ve Been Trying to Warn America for 15 Years!:

I’m Obama’s college classmate at Columbia University, Class of ’83. I’m also the author of the #1 bestselling hardcover book in America in 2012, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.”  I’ve always had Obama’s number. I understand what makes him tick. I understand his goals.

First, let’s get the “gay issue” out of the way. I’ve reported on both my radio and TV shows for 15 years that my wealthy, connected friends in Chicago have always said, “Obama frequented gay bathhouses and gay clubs. Everyone in the know, knows Obama is gay.”

The issue here is fraud. If Obama is in fact gay, then he was lying to the American people from day one. He portrayed himself as a happily married family man with a wife and two beautiful young daughters. That’s called fraud.

Why does any of this matter now? Because Joe Biden is a brain-dead puppet. This is the third term of Obama. The proof is we are all reliving the nightmare Obama economy. Great for Wall Street and billion-dollar multi-national corporations. But a disaster for the American middle class and Main Street.

Second, Biden is fading fast- and everyone can see it. At the same time as Biden’s cognitive health is in freefall, all of his corruption from the past is pouring out of the closet. Biden is finished. He is toast. He will never make it to 2024.

Sometime this fall Biden will have a very public “episode” and be hospitalized. Soon thereafter he (or Jill) will announce he is stepping down for “health reasons.”

Who will replace him? Either Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom. But whoever it is, Obama will be calling the shots from his nearby Washington DC mansion. That’s why this story matters. What matters is he was groomed to be president by the Deep State and communist, fascist, globalist enemies of the United States.

I was a Pre-Law, Political Science major. So was Obama. He had to be in all the same classes as me. But he was never in one class. I never met Obama, never saw him, never heard of him, never met anyone at Columbia who has.  My educated guess is Obama was in the Soviet Union studying communism. Columbia had a “sister school” in Moscow.

Secondly, at Columbia, we learned a plan to destroy America called “Cloward Piven.” I’ll bet Obama spent two years in the Soviet Union at our “sister school” becoming the world’s expert. Look around. Everything happening in America today is Cloward Piven… The open borders. . .The Green New Deal. The destruction of our military. The end of the dollar. . . Critical Race Theory and Transgender brainwashing. Persecution of PTA parents.  Conservatives and Christians classified as “domestic terrorists.” The arrest of political opponents. 87,000 new IRS agents. It’s all about Cloward Piven and communist-level control.

Sound familiar? It’s what Obama the “Manchurian Candidate” learned in the Soviet Union from the best. This man was groomed from day one by the communist and globalist enemies of America. He was sent to destroy us.

Now he’s working behind the scenes to finish the job. He is the man who ordered the spying on Trump.

So, Obama being gay is the least of our worries. America is being destroyed. Obama is at the root of every evil thing happening.


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Good and scary article. The Marxists are like demons. They never sleep, always plotting our demise.

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My sister remembers in one of Obama’s earlier speeches years ago (his first term in office) he said he is for change and he wants to level the playing field.  Nobody knew what his cryptic speech was referring to but now it makes sense … he wanted to dismantle America and make her weak so its not a nation to come to the rescue of other nations and to bring in the NWO.

Todd Tomlinson
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Thankfully we'll be out of here before the whole story unfolds.  I'm hoping for the next 3 weeks but know if it doesn't happen, that its not too far into the distance.

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Craig Bong thinks the COP28 agreement, to be signed December 12, is The Covenant.  That's still 2023.

Paul R
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You're so right, Yohanan. When I left school in the early 1980s I had to do my National Service in the military (two years). We were actively involved in a war with Russia, via their proxies, in northern Namibia (which was then South African territory) and neighboring southern Angola. We exchanged fire with Russian and East German officers, and were attacked by Russian MiG23 fighter jets flown by Cuban pilots.

Yet at the time the world, including Europe, Australia and the US, said, mockingly (it became a saying): "You South Africans see a communist behind every bush". Today, we have a socialist country controlled by the SA Communist Party (the partner of the ruling ANC), and politicians call each other "comrade" in public. Many of them were "schooled" in Moscow and East Berlin.

Go figure.


Patricia N.
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Amazon Alexa Tells Man There Won’t Be a 2024 ELECTION: “WAR POWERS Will Be Invoked.":

A new disturbing video has emerged of Amazon Alexa purportedly telling a man that there will not be a 2024 election because the “War Powers Act of 1973” will be invoked.

In a video posted to X, formerly known as Twitter, by Conservative influencer account Chuck Callesto, the man asks Alexa, “Alexa, who will win the next American election?”

Alexa responds, “The 2024 American election will not take place, there will be no winner, the War Powers Resolution of 1973, or the War Powers Act, will be invoked by the act of war with Russia and China.

Alexa continued, “Once invoked, the standing Party will retain and remain in power.”

While the video could be seen as outlandish, it’s worth noting that Tucker Carlson warned in a video earlier this week that “There will be a hot war between the United States and Russia within the next year.”

“They will do anything to win,” Tucker says in the video.

“They are not going to do COVID again; they’ve already been exposed, and that won’t work.”

“So what what are they going to do? They’re going to go to war with Russia; that’s what they are going to do,” Tucker continued.

“There will be a hot war between the United States and Russia within the next year, Tucker warned.



Patricia N.
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BP Agent Reveals O'Biden Admin Gives $2,200 Per Illegal Immigrant Family Each Month, Plane Ticket,
Housing, Food, Free Medical Services - ALIPAC.us!

It is alarming to learn that according to a Border Patrol Agent, the Biden administration is providing illegal immigrant families with $2,200 per month in taxpayer funds, plus plane tickets, housing, food and free medical services.

"The Biden-Harris administration is giving more money to illegal immigrant invaders, than to our own U.S. citizens" William Gheen, president of ALIPAC told  KTRH , "Once a person understands that, then that person will always be on our side of the illegal immigration debate, which is very simple. Keep them all out, send them all home."

The Border Patrol Agent stated that illegal immigrants are provided with more than just the monthly checks. They also receive housing, food, free medical services, and even a ticket to their desired location within the United States.

Under the Biden Administration, homeless veterans and Americans have been left without adequate support.

Senior citizens have only received $1,400 per month in Social Security payments, while Maui survivors have only received $700. This situation is unacceptable and should be met with outrage by all Americans.


Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

California’s state assembly just passed a bill that allows the authorities to take your child, no matter their age, if they don’t affirm their “gender choice” which is now considered an “essential need of a child." This is a continuation of a campaign to make words an act of violence. This already began when some states approved legislation suggesting that addressing someone with the wrong pronoun is considered a hate crime.


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