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Patricia N.
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Florida doctors will no longer be authorized to prescribe puberty blockers or 'gender affirming' surgeries to minors:

In a debate last Monday night, DeSantis blasted the Orwellian rhetoric of those who have defended these procedures, saying, "When they say gender-affirming care, they mean giving puberty blockers to teenage girls and teenage boys. They mean doing double mastectomies on young girls. They mean chemically-castrating young boys. That is wrong. We are not going to allow that to happen in the state of Florida."

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Per TheGatewayPundit

Joe Biden’s America: 1 in 4 Americans Skipping Thanksgiving Due to High Food Costs, Some Opting For Pizza Instead of Turkey!

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Remember when they were restricting how many can show up at your family gathering and no sharing with passing around of the serving bowls?   One person was designated to place all the food on the individual plates a head of time?  There was even a time limit on visitation … and if you dare have to use the bathroom .. the hostess had to white glove deep clean the bathroom after each person?  They were pretty much suggesting everyone just pee outdoors in the garden bushes like the dogs. And now … its who can afford the big meal … getting worse each year.  I still have high hopes to be gone soon.  But next year … its probably going to be no real food available at all. :wacko:

Patricia N.
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Democrat Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney’s idea to combat inflation: have some Chef Boyardee:

Democratic Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney said when inflation put the squeeze on his family he popped a can of Chef Boyardee – and declared “that’s what families have to do."

Republican challenger Mike Lawler accused Maloney of being “hopelessly out of touch with Hudson Valley families struggling to put food on the table.”  “He may think it’s funny to tell families to live on Chef Boyardee, but in reality it’s tragic. The food and energy inflation Mr. Maloney caused in Washington is leaving families scared, hungry, and cold,” he said.

Patricia N.
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Foreign companies taking US water from drought-stricken Southwest:

Groundwater in the southwest is being used to grow feed for livestock on the other side of the world, even as U.S. residents in the region struggle through a historic drought.

In one Arizona town, residential wells are running dry as a huge farm owned by a Saudi company pumps water to its alfalfa crops. But those crops will only be shipped to feed cows in the Middle East, where water is also growing scarce, CNN reported.

Water-intensive crops like alfalfa and hay have already been banned in Saudi Arabia as the country runs dry. But sprawling dairy farms are a point of national pride in the Middle East, so those countries are getting their water overseas, according to CNN.

Foreign ownership of U.S. agricultural land has increased by an average of nearly 2.2 million acres a year since 2015. It now totals nearly 3 percent of all privately held agricultural land in the U.S., mostly in the country’s south and west, according to a 2020 U.S. Department of Agriculture report.  While an expert told CNN it’s illegal to export water from Arizona, it can be “virtually” exported by using it in that state and shipping away the produce.

Kris Mayes, a Democratic candidate for Arizona attorney general, promised to cancel the Saudi company’s leases if elected, after a newspaper investigation found it is improperly leasing the land at a discounted rate. But she also seemed to disagree with the concept of the deal.

“We are essentially giving our water away for free to a Saudi corporation, and that has to come to an end,” Mayes said.

Patricia N.
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Twilight of the Tigris: Iraq’s mighty river is drying up:

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AFP) — It was the river that is said to have watered the biblical Garden of Eden and helped give birth to civilization itself.  But today the Tigris is dying.

Human activity and climate change have choked its once mighty flow through Iraq, where — with its twin river the Euphrates — it made Mesopotamia a cradle of civilization thousands of years ago.

The Tigris, the lifeline connecting the storied cities of Mosul, Baghdad and Basra, has been choked by dams, most of them upstream in Turkey, and decreasing rainfall.  Baghdad regularly asks Ankara to release more water.

But Turkey’s ambassador to Iraq, Ali Riza Guney, urged Iraq to “use the available water more efficiently,” tweeting in July that “water is largely wasted in Iraq.”  He may have a point, say experts. Iraqi farmers tend to flood their fields, as they have done since ancient Sumerian times, rather than irrigate them, resulting in huge water losses.

This year authorities have been forced to reduce Iraq’s cultivated areas by half, meaning no crops will be grown in the badly-hit Diyala Governorate.  “We will be forced to give up farming and sell our animals,” said Abu Mehdi.

But another threat is impacting the Shatt al-Arab: salt water from the Gulf is pushing ever further upstream as the river flow declines.


Patricia N.
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World’s Worst Polluter China Demands Leadership at Climate Summit:

The Chinese delegation to the COP27 climate change conference in Egypt demanded a leadership role on Tuesday, despite China being far and away the worst polluter in the world, and its most voracious consumer of carbon-spewing coal power.

China takes a back seat to no one when it comes to digging, importing, and burning coal and its coal consumption has only increased while Communist officials speak of cutting back someday. In September, the Chinese launched a new rail line to haul even more coal from Mongolia, along with other mineral resources. Beijing makes no secret of its intention to increase carbon emissions for at least a decade to come, after which the usually irascible climate change movement has been remarkably trusting that the authoritarian regime will snap its fingers and become instantaneously “carbon neutral.”

From a political and ideological standpoint, climate activists are increasingly clear about their antipathy to capitalism, because they believe only authoritarian governments can force their citizens to make the sacrifices needed to hit zero emissions, so crowning China leader of the movement would make a good deal of sense.

Patricia N.
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The Zuck Cuts Begin: Facebook Lays Off 11,000+ Employees, 13% of Total Staff:

CNBC reports that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently announced in a letter to employees that the company would be laying off 13 percent of its staff, or more than 11,000 employees.

In his letter to employees, Zuckerberg stated: “I want to take accountability for these decisions and for how we got here. I know this is tough for everyone, and I’m especially sorry to those impacted.”

At the start of Covid, the world rapidly moved online and the surge of e-commerce led to outsized revenue growth. Many people predicted this would be a permanent acceleration that would continue even after the pandemic ended. I did too, so I made the decision to significantly increase our investments. Unfortunately, this did not play out the way I expected. Not only has online commerce returned to prior trends, but the macroeconomic downturn, increased competition, and ads signal loss have caused our revenue to be much lower than I’d expected. I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that.

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Apparently Zuck didn’t learn a thing about the telecom bust or the dot com bust. This is why people think socialism will work. They never learn from history.

Patricia N.
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From Amit Tsarfati:

His talk with an expert on climate (it's over an hour long and I did not watch all of it).  One thing that stuck out to me: He said cooling is more of a problem than warming.

Patricia N.
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HERE WE GO: Janet Yellen Calls For Crypto to be Regulated After Biden Mega-Donor Collapses Multi-Billion Dollar Crypto Ponzi Scheme:

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called for crypto to be regulated after Sam Bankman-Fried, a 30-year-old Democrat darling, spent more than $40 million to ‘pay off’ DC elites to turn a blind eye to his Ponzi scheme through the crypto exchange he founded (FTX).

Up to $2 billion is ‘missing’ after FTX collapsed this week.  The company filed for bankruptcy on Friday and Sam Bankman-Fried’s private jet was seen en route to Argentina.

Sam Bankman-Fried is Biden’s second biggest donor [after George Soros].  And now Janet Yellen is calling for Crypto to be regulated.  "It shows the weaknesses of this entire sector,” Yellen told Bloomberg News on Saturday.

FTX also happens to be related to Ukraine.

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