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Posted 9 hrs ago …  per BeforeItIsNews


40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now, and 34 of Them Are Along the Ring of Fire




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Triple Digit Inflation coming to USA if Saudi Arabia dumps Petrodollar

Per Trunews

Interesting Comment:

Excellent segment on the petrodollar, gives history and discusses the end of America as the petrodollar goes into the dumpster... It appears this is REAL reason why Biden is poking the Bear...

- Fair Use -

Patricia N.
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Leftist: CNN And MSNBC Do “Milquetoast Corporate Propaganda” — So Independents And Even Democrats Watch Fox News:

Young Turks founder Cenk Uygur said that even Democrats and independents are watching Fox News.

In a Twitter thread, he called Fox News programming “interesting” — and pointed out that CNN and MSNBC are just “milquetoast corporate propaganda.”

A majority of independents watch @FoxNews. Very few watch @CNN or @MSNBC (less than a quarter). Fox News even has 3 out of the top 4 most-watched cable news show – for Democrats! Why? Because they do interesting programming, while the others do milquetoast corporate propaganda.

Even Democrats know CNN and MSNBC are fake news!

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Drama at Chinese Communist Party summit: Xi predecessor Hu Jintao hauled out:
Xi sits as former Chinese President Hu Jintao is forcibly removed from closing ceremony of Chinese Communist Party meeting.

Former Chinese President Hu Jintao was unexpectedly led out of the closing ceremony for the Chinese Communist Party meeting Saturday while he sat next to President Xi Jinping.

The 79-year-old, the direct predecessor to Xi, was seated to the left of the Chinese leader before two men who appeared to be security officials approached him and forced him to leave his seat.

The ceremony marked the end to a week-long congressional meeting that solidified a third term for Xi, making him the longest-serving Chinese leader since Mao Zedong.

Video footage of the starkly unusual incident circulated on social media, sparking questions over why the former leader, who served from 2003 to 2013, was forcibly escorted away.  Footage released by AFP showed an official attempting to forcibly lift Hu from his seat as Xi turned to him.  Xi did not directly watch as Hu was removed from his seat but instead sat with his head tilted, listening to what was unfolding.

Hu did not appear as though he wished to leave the event, and he touched the back of Xi’s right arm and said something to the Chinese leader.  Xi again did not turn to look but nodded and said something in reply as Hu was led out with the official guiding him by holding his upper arm.

No explanation has been given as to what was said or why Hu was forced the leave the ceremony.

Reports said the incident occurred as reporters were called in to cover the ceremony, but mention of the day's drama was removed from China's Twitter-like platform, Weibo, and was missing entirely from Chinese news coverage, according to Reuters.


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Look What’s Happening in Sweden! After Decades of Failed Globalism, New Government Puts the Citizens First:

Sweden last month made a sharp turn right and fired the woke, leftist Social Democrats who have dominated government throughout most of the country’s history. With the formation of a new conservative government last week, the citizens will now hopefully reap the rewards.

New Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson announced a new direction on several national issues with the most acute shift on immigration. Sweden for decades operated a lax policy toward immigrants and ignored the challenges integrating millions of people from across the world, especially from Muslim countries, into their society. The results have proven tragic. Rape crimes have risen 2200% since 1975, with 42,936 reported in the last five years. 61 places in Sweden are now “no-go” zones with police allowing extremists to operate unimpeded due to them being outnumbered.  This madness will now thankfully end.

In a speech to Parliament, Kristersson promised a review of the penal code and expanded powers to police to fight criminal gangs that have grown more powerful and violent in recent years.

“No other country in all of Europe has the same trend of violence as Sweden: 53 fatal shootings so far this year, often outright executions,” he said. “The government now begins the biggest offensive in Swedish history against organized crime.”

He also promised a “paradigm shift” on immigration, ending decades of liberal immigration policies that had started to tighten under the previous Social Democratic government.  “Immigration to Sweden has been unsustainable,” resulting in poor integration, unemployment, insecurity, and other problems, Kristersson said.

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Auroras blasted a 250-mile-wide hole in Earth's ozone layer:

Auroras set off spectacular light shows in the night sky, but they are also illuminating another reason the ozone layer is being eaten away.

Although humans are to blame for much of the ozone layer's depletion, observations of a type of aurora known as an isolated proton aurora have revealed a cause of ozone depletion that comes from space: Charged particles in plasma belched out by solar flares and coronal mass ejections also keep gnawing at the ozone layer. Before now, the influence of these particles were only vaguely known.

Now, an international research team has found that the effects of isolated proton auroras caused a nearly 250-mile-wide (400 kilometers) hole in the ozone layer, which gaped right below where an aurora occurred. Most of the ozone vanished within about an hour and a half. The researchers had not expected nearly so much ozone to degrade in the wake of this phenomenon, they explained in a statement.

Though the damage left behind in mesospheric ozone does repair itself more quickly than holes in stratospheric ozone (which are often caused by human activity), isolated proton auroras still influence changes in the atmosphere.

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The Billionaire who Thinks He's 'God':

The name “George Soros” is typically preceded by the words “billionaire philanthropist.” But there’s a problem.

Philanthropists donate money and property to needy individuals and institutions for the purpose of advancing human welfare, security and happiness.  For decades, however, Hungarian-born leftwing “billionaire philanthropist” George Soros has supported, advocated and bankrolled everything rotten, subversive, destructive, hateful and evil.  Currently, Soros’ name is most often heard in conjunction with radically pro-criminal district attorneys across America.

He also wants to legalize drugs, he supports euthanasia, and he funds Black Lives Matter. He is for socialism and globalism and open borders and “defunding the police.” He's for devaluing America's currency – once telling the Financial Times that “an orderly decline of the dollar is actually desirable” – even though that amounts to an outright theft of Americans’ life savings and investments. He favors the destruction of American sovereignty in favor of “global governance.” He doesn't like Israel and has supported her enemies. He detests truthful news coverage and funds organizations that daily attack the only free press America currently has.

Soros admits he wants to re-create the world in his image – like a god. That characterization is not opinion, hyperbole or rhetorical flourish: Living out his “messianic fantasies” and openly likening himself to a “some kind of god” is precisely how George Soros – ironically, an atheist and self-hating Jew – describes himself in his more candid moments.

When the British online newspaper The Independent asked Soros to explain these extraordinary statements, he responded: “It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.”

“Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad,” Soros said on British television. “In fact, my grandfather was actually paranoid. I have a lot of madness in my family. So far I have escaped it.”  Except he hasn’t “escaped it.” Not only has George Soros succumbed to a form of total madness, but he’s imposing his insanity on the United States of America.

After all, his motto for changing society is simply, “If I spend enough, I will make it right.” Combine that with his proclamation in his 1995 book, “Soros on Soros” – “I do not accept the rules imposed by others. ... And in periods of regime change, the normal rules don’t apply” – and you have a formula for truly epic madness and societal destruction, imposed on hundreds of millions of people, by a super-wealthy atheist who thinks he’s God.

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Court rules in Franklin Graham discrimination case:

A Scottish event center discriminated against Franklin Graham and an event planned by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association when it arbitrarily canceled a valid contract to use the building, according to a new court ruling.

The BGEA revealed that the Glasgow Sheriff Court, through Sheriff John McCormick, ruled that the cancelation of an event that had been booked by the BGEA in the SSE Hydro of the Scottish Event Campus for 2020 was because of opposition to the Christian views that would be expressed.  McCormick's ruling said, "The concern is expressed that there is the potential for Mr. Graham to make homophobic and Islamophobic comments. I found no evidence to that effect."

He identified the real problem: "The defender’s true problem with the pursuer arises as a result of the religious views of Franklin Graham, which it has sought to categorize by wrenching selected comments made in the past whilst conveniently ignoring contrary comments also made by Franklin Graham."

The dispute arose at a time when the BGEA was arranging a number of events across the United Kingdom to share the Christian message. The plans infuriated the nation's pro-LGBT activists who argued that any message but their own should be suppressed.

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The scary sound of Earth’s magnetic field, from the European Space Agency:

Despite being essential to life on Earth, the magnetic field isn’t something we can actually see in itself, or ever hear. But, remarkably, scientists at the Technical University of Denmark have taken magnetic signals measured by ESA’s Swarm satellite mission and converted them into sound – and for something that protects us, the result is pretty scary.

Click to hear the sounds.

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Well Patricia, I listened for a time with my best earphones and concluded that those sound must have come via Rumble because the Right proved louder.  Besides that, there was a lot of scratchy slimy pinko sounds evident on the Left.  I was facing northward and live in North America so presume the Left sounds came from the West.

I know I distinctly heard "Squidward," not too far in.

Yet color me skeptical, because in the vacuum of space up there, where the ESA Swarm satellites roam, there is no sound heard.  No air, no sound!  Same as with all my vacuums not running -- no sound.

If one might want their own low cost / low bit rate Internet-of-Things SWARM satellite receivers, go to   Yet beware dabbling there since you will note that globalists are the masterminds.  Yes!  You'll find headlined at that link, "Global Affordable Connectivity."

Besides that, it's likely about the underworld as well since about SWARM, Wikipedia notes (among other things): "The results offer a view of the inside of the Earth from space..."  Revelation 9:2-3 describes swarms of locust originating from a bottomless pit, right?  Yeah, so why did the European Space Agency name it "SWARM?"  Think about it.  Maybe all that clicking, rumbling, and crackling sound in the audio is what those locusts down there actually sound like waiting to emerge!

Thanks Patricia, for highlighting something unusual, brand new, and interesting.  Maybe too if I play the scary locust sounds at the door next Monday, perhaps enough kids will run away, leaving me to enjoy more Snickers, Milky Way's and Mr Goodbar's.  On yes!  Maybe Special Dark too!

We'll see.


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