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They are propagandizing the people.

Patricia N.
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Chinese spies breach US military bases, gov’t sites 100 times, officials say:

The FBI and Department of Defense have documented over 100 incidents of Chinese nationals posing as tourists to gain unauthorized access to U.S. military bases and other federal sites.

Labeled as “gate crashers” by U.S. officials, these individuals have employed various methods, from crossing into restricted missile ranges to swimming near key rocket launch sites, according to information obtained by The Wall Street Journal.  Recent attempts include a group of purported tourists trying to force their way into Fort Wainwright, Alaska.

Congress is considering potential legislation that would address this growing concern, according to Fox News. Repeat incidents have occurred at critical locations, including an intelligence center in Key West, Florida, and adjacent to missile ranges near White Sands National Park.

“The security of our installations remains a top priority,” a department spokesperson said. “Physical security standards for our bases take into consideration a wide variety of potential threats, including attempted spying by our adversaries.”

This news article was partially created with the assistance of artificial intelligence and edited and fact-checked by a human editor.


Patricia N.
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‘Profoundly Disturbing’: UK Judge Rules Conscious 19-Year-Old Can Be Taken Off Life Support Against Her Will:

An NHS hospital is asking the Court of Protection to authorize removal of life-saving medical treatment from a 19-year-old girl, effectively condemning her to death.

. . . the girl – anonymized by the court as ‘ST’ – is conscious, able to speak, and has instructed her own lawyers to argue that she should be kept alive and allowed to go to Canada for experimental treatment which would give her a chance of survival.

ST is suffering from a rare genetic mitochondrial disease.  ST’s condition causes chronic muscle weakness, loss of hearing and damage to her kidneys. She is dependent on regular dialysis and other intensive care, but the condition does not affect the functioning of her brain.

The hospital argues that while ST’s prognosis is uncertain and she may survive for some months, her condition is deteriorating and she is therefore “actively dying."

Two psychiatric experts instructed by the hospital have examined ST and have told the court that she is not suffering from any mental health illness and has the mental capacity to make decisions about her own medical treatment.

ST has told the psychiatrists she disagrees with the doctors and wants them to continue to sustain her life. She wants to be given a chance to participate in clinical trials of nucleoside therapy, which are due to resume in Canada later this year and would give her a chance of survival. She said she realized that the experimental treatment might still fail to save her, but in that case, she said that she “wanted to die trying to live."

However, the hospital doctors have argued that ST’s refusal to trust the judgment of her doctors and to accept her immanent death is inevitable amounts to a “delusion."

. . . .the judge concluded that ST is mentally incapable of making decisions for herself because she does not believe what hospital doctors say about her condition.

ST has grown up in a tightly-knit Christian family who have spent months resisting the legal proceedings brought by the NHS to end her life. Despite her illness, she attended a regular school, achieved good GCSE results and was studying for her A-levels when her health deteriorated after catching Covid in August 2022.

ST’s only hope of cure is the experimental treatment known as nucleotide therapy, which is only available abroad. Her family wants to appeal to the public to raise funds to enable her to participate in a clinical trial which is expected to start in Canada later this year.

However, in March 2023, the court made a “Transparency Order” which imposes draconian restrictions on reporting any information which might lead to identification of ST, members of her family, or the hospital. This prevents ST and her parents from giving any media interviews or making any appeal for funds.

“ST has wanted to tell her story to the world in order to try and access further treatment but has been prevented from doing so by the ironically named Court of Protection. “We have been calling upon the government for some time now to urgently set up a public inquiry into the practices of the Court of Protection and the Family Division surrounding end-of-life cases after a series of disturbing and upsetting cases.”

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A ‘Trump or Death’ banner at Yankee Stadium last night points to a very contentious 2024 presidential election that just might end in all-out civil war

Donald Trump is facing the battle of his life, and indeed for his life, with a mind-numbing 91 criminal charges across four jurisdictions — Georgia, Florida, New York, and the District of Columbia. He has three trial dates set for 2024 so far. And all this is unfolding as he runs for the presidency again. How is his voter base reacting to all this? If the ‘Trump or Death’ banner that was unfurled during the playing of the National Anthem at last night’s Yankees game is any indication, buckle up and prepare for war. Civil war.

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29:2

NTEB has told you for many years now that the administration of Barack Obama and Joe Biden set the stage for the coming Civil War 2.0 here in America, and as we reach the halfway point of Obama’s Third Term, things are rapidly reaching the proverbial boiling point. How will it all end up? Only the Lord knows for sure, but as far as the ‘handwriting on the wall’ goes, we are shaping up to be heading into quite the storm. Welcome to Day 1,271 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve. All hands on deck.


Trump’s 4 indictments, ranked by the stakes
From VOX: Amid all this, Trump is running for president again and facing several challengers in the Republican primary. He retains a massive poll lead. These multiple indictments haven’t hurt him just yet; if anything, they’ve helped, as GOP voters have rallied around him. Currently, Trump’s DC trial is scheduled for March 4, 2024, his New York trial is scheduled for March 25, 2024, and his Florida trial is scheduled for May 20, 2024. The Iowa caucuses are on January 15, 2024, while Nevada and South Carolina’s contests come in February. Super Tuesday is on March 5. Unless one of his challengers surges before March, Trump could have the nomination mostly wrapped up before any of the trials begin.

Even if Trump’s found guilty, or even if he’s jailed, he technically wouldn’t be disqualified from taking office. If he wins the GOP nomination, he’ll still be on the ballot in the general election. So only the voters can stop Trump from becoming president again.

Will Trump go to prison? How long could his sentence be?
The technical “maximum sentence” Trump could face if convicted of everything he’s been charged with is absurdly high — hundreds of years — but in practice, such high sentences are almost never given. Yet — though we’re a long way off from Trump actually being behind bars — he really is in danger of getting serious time.

His eventual sentence, if he is convicted, will depend on several factors in each jurisdiction, none more important than whether the juries will even convict him. The strength of each case and the politics of each area could well influence this — given political polarization, winning a conviction may well be easier in DC and New York than in the mostly conservative area of Florida where he will be tried. (Recall it only takes one holdout juror to block a conviction.)

Then, if he is convicted, what sentence will the judge hand down? Judges have broad discretion to hand down a sentence they feel is appropriate. Judge Tanya Chutkan of DC will hear the federal case against Trump for trying to steal the 2020 election, and she has been the toughest sentencer for January 6 rioters, suggesting she may lean more toward the maximum if given the chance. Meanwhile, Judge Aileen Cannon of Florida has the documents case, and she is a Trump appointee who has already arguably stretched the law to try and help him out; a conviction in her courtroom could be on the lighter side.

Once he’s sentenced, will higher court judges rescue him on appeal? Some of the cases against him use novel legal reasoning that hasn’t been tested before. So far, the Florida case appears the clearest and best grounded in precedent, while the election cases are more novel (no president has tried to do what Trump did before, after all) and the New York hush money case has been somewhat legally controversial. If Trump is convicted, then, his eventual fate may end up in the Supreme Court.

Finally, any Trump sentence could be scuttled if he wins the presidency. If Trump is back in power, he would likely use executive power to end the federal prosecutions against him (the DC and Florida ones), and perhaps even pardon himself. He could not end the state prosecutions — the Georgia and New York ones — but if he wins the presidency, he could likely put off serving prison time until after his term concludes. So, again, it’s the voters who ultimately have the power to maximize, or minimize, Trump’s chances of going to prison


In the comment section:

So only the voters can stop Trump from becoming president again."

Really Geoff? Was it the voters who stopped him from being re-elected? Does anybody believe that? Does anybody really believe Joe Biden was elected by a majority of voters?

It won't be the voters that stop Trump from being elected. It will be the deep state ballot box stuffers. The same ones who stole the election the last time!

Other than that, this was a good, informative article. Thanks Geoff.


WW65 (Lisa) said

I really doubt the church will be here for an election the way things are going.  Nevertheless, this is pushing him closer than ever to win.

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Dave Hodges said that there will be a "40 NATION 'BLACK SKY' DISASTER DRILL ON SEPT 14TH".  I watched the video but didn't understand much of what to expect.  If you want to see for yourself, his You Tube channel is The Common Sense Show, or if you PM me I can send you the link.

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They will try all they know to stop Trump. The only votes that keep him out of office are the cheating votes if they are once again successful at their steal.

It does seem that so many have woken up now, that upheaval is in the air!

Call us up Lord!
Maranatha :bible



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What imbeciles! We are ALL “actively dying.”

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Sounds like they are preparing for the rapture event!!!!

I didn’t watch the YouTube, I just google the Blackout Sky Disaster event and found this info.

According to the Electric Infrastructure Security Council, A Black Sky event can have many causes high magnitude earthquakes, severe space weather, electromagnetic pulses or interference in the upper atmosphere (the kind that a nuclear detonation might cause), hurricanes, cyber-terrorism, coordinated power grid assaults and more.

Natural hazards include serious earthquakes, severe space weather and hurricanes.  In a black sky event, an unprotected grid would cause an extended duration power outage and precipitate cascading, direct and indirect failures of other critical societal infrastructures.  These other infrastructures include no access to oil, gas, transportation, water…

- Fair Use -

Hmmmm …  if they are planning for this drill to take place on Sept 14th … that is the day before sundown for Feast of Trumpets … how intriguing :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn



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Monkey's 9-8 Sitrep is titled "Black Sky Event Coming?"  Haven't watched yet.  (Monkey Werx US channel)

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Glad to hear he is talking about the event too.

I saw my former neighbor at the grocery store … she has health problems and I was trying to encourage her about the rapture this month and she snapped at me … she never did that before … she is now a mean scoffer and doesn’t believe it will ever happen and told me I need to stop wishing for it. She said I’ve been hearing about the nuke threats since childhood … big deal they don’t mean a thing. I’m sorry I mentioned it to her. Meanwhile she has her health issues and nothing will resolve it she rather live on earth and complain than look up for that new body. To each its own. I’m doubting if she is even really saved and just yes yes me years ago.

Each week the prices in the grocery store keep rising and the products getting smaller and smaller.  They had 2 cartons of watermelon “on sale for $9.99” 😵‍💫     I don’t see people rushing to get “that GREAT sale”.  Who are they trying to kid? Using mind control with writing “on sale” ?

Oh and more and more people are wearing masks even though it’s not required.

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