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Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies

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Research has found that wealthy nations tend to have much larger carbon footprints than poorer countries, as rich people can afford to buy more goods, travel more and do other activities that generate emissions.

I think it's easy to understand. We the People of this Nation, who have fought and died for it, have known freedom far more than any other nation. We have known who we are as Americans in a free country, and who we are as a God-fearing, God loving people.

That is an extremely difficult thing to try to steal, remove from, and take away from a people and nation who has lived and died on those premises. We are seeing it be stolen because of satans subtle hidden inroads and blinding deceptions over the unsuspecting for countless years now, though many here are now waking up to God's word and Truth.

I believe the controllers want our society as we've known it, replaced and overwhelmed with incoming illegals, who will be much more easily controlled than Americans heritage here, who would fight to keep this land. With patriots and the freedom loving out of the way, they can more easily control and dominate illegals who essentially have no country of their own to fight for.

No one will have freedom as we've known it!
Everyone will be subject to the powers that be.
Only a heaven or hell decision will be before all.

And the arrogant powers-that-be, know not that they will one day bow their knee to the Living God!

Patricia N.
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"We Have Turned Away Inventory": US EV Market Struggles As Cars Pile Up On Dealer Lots:

The rising mismatch between electric vehicle supply and demand is showing up at car dealerships as unsold EVs stack up. Dealerships tell Bussiness Insider that EV supply from automakers has been turned away as demand cools.

Rising EV inventories and a Tesla-fueled price war could signal the beginnings of a pause in growth for the EV market.

"It's not just that these vehicles are expensive — which they are."   . . . Fiorani said some lifestyle changes include 20-30-minute charges and range anxiety. He said, "It's hard for the average customer to make that leap while spending an extra $10,000." And not just the price but also the highest interest on new auto loans since 2009.


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Bank to Stop Giving Loans to Fossil Fuel Cars:

It is happening ladies and gentlemen. We are now at the point where a major bank has announced they will stop giving loans for new petrol and diesel cars under the excuse of climate change.

From 2025, customers of Bank Australia will no longer get funding to buy new cars that run on fossil fuels.

”By ceasing car loans for new fossil fuel vehicles, we are sending a signal to the Australian market about the rapid acceleration in the transition from internal combustion to electric vehicles we expect to see in the next few years,” said Sasha Courville, chief impact officer at the bank.

So now banks are beginning to decide what cars we can buy and cannot buy under the excuse of climate change. Sounds more like CLIMATE COMMUNISM to me, or perhaps CLIMATE FASCISM in this case where a bank is behind it.

But this is nothing new. Communists have always tried to limit people’s freedom. We saw that in the Soviet Union and in other Socialist countries where they are pushing for people to ride bikes, take the bus or train instead of owning their own car. The reason is called control. They don’t want people moving about freely and independently. They want to be able to keep tabs on people.  And that is exactly what is happening now.

Just like in the Soviet Union, there is one rule for the elite and another for the people. They are flying around in private jets and have expensive car collections, meanwhile, they are telling you to get rid of your car and eat the bugs.

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Apparently they have forgotten about the citizens of Cuba. They kept their 1950's era cars and learned how to fabricate parts to keep them running. We do not need new cars. Maintaining and repairing the old ones will do. This kind of control causes an explosive growth in the black market.

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:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn



By Geoffrey Grider

The LORD sent a mighty rain to quench the idolatrous fires at the ‘Burning Man’ pagan festival this weekend at the Black Rock Desert in Nevada

Over the years, I have read commentary from many Bible teachers weighing in on the many judgments that the LORD releases from Heaven during the great Tribulation time period. Some say those things described by John are hydrogen bombs, advanced attack helicopters and weapons of war being hatched in secret places like Russia, China and in Area 51 in Nevada. But they are nothing of the kind if you’re a Bible believer. Want a fantastic ‘key’ to unlock Revelation 6-16? You’ll find it waiting for you in Job 38.

“Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war?” Job 38:22,23

God weighed in this weekend on America’s very own ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ known as ‘Burning Man’ taking place in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada. The LORD launched one of His ‘weapons of war’ by sending a massive deluge of rain which immediately halted the pagan sacrifices of burning idols in the groves of the desert. Unsheeted panic ensued, giving rise to rumors of an ‘Ebola outbreak’, radioactive distress, and FEMA stepping in to declare a ‘national emergency’. None of those things are true, but what is true is that the God of the Bible who inserts Himself into the affairs of men made His presence known this weekend. Massive panic and chaos ensued as worshippers scrambled to flee, think any one of them knew Who sent the rain? They should, seeing as how God ‘signed’ His handiwork with the gorgeous double rainbow you see at the top of this article. Amen, and come get us, Lord Jesus. :amen: 


Burning Man descends into chaos as one person DIES at flooded festival after officials closed gates, ‘trapping’ 73,000 revelers in hypothermic conditions – and told them to conserve water and food

From The Daily Mail UK: The Pershing County Sheriff’s Office in northern Nevada said the death happened ‘during this rain event’ but gave few other details as to what the cause was, or the person’s identity. ‘As this death is still under investigation, there is no further information available at this time,’ the sheriff’s office said in a statement on Saturday night.

Tens of thousands of revelers attending the event in the Nevada desert were told to stay put and conserve food and water on Saturday after a massive rainstorm turned the site into a mud pit. The final weekend of the hedonistic event ground to a halt on Friday night as freezing, mud-caked conditions took over but it even led to celebrities like Chris Rock making a bid to escape the deluge.

‘Do not travel to Black Rock City!.’ Burning Man organizers tweeted, referring to the desert area where the alternative festival takes place
‘Access to the city is closed for the remainder of the event, and you will be turned around’, organizers said in a statement on social media. ‘Rain over the last 24 hours has created a situation that required a full stop of vehicle movement on the playa,’ they explained.

Thousands of Burning Man attendees trudged in sloppy mud on Saturday – many barefoot or wearing plastic bags on their feet – as flooding from storms swept through the Nevada desert.

About six inches of rain is believed to have fallen on Friday at the festival site, located about 110 miles north of Reno, the National Weather Service in Reno said. Another three inches of rain is expected from late Saturday into Sunday and conditions are not expected to improve enough to allow vehicles to enter the playa,’ the U.S. Bureau of Land Management explained. Revelers have been suffering from hypothermia after unprecedented storms washed out the festival. Organizers urged festivalgoers already on site to ‘conserve food, water and fuel, and shelter in a warm, safe space.’

They said rain was unlikely to stop until Sunday night. The festival was scheduled to conclude on Monday. Due to downpours, the ‘playa,’ the huge open-air esplanade where the event unfolds, was rendered impassable. Those not trapped in the grounds tried not to let the storms dampen their mood, however, with local bars packed with festivalgoers still hoping to make the most of a bad situation.

Upwards of 100,000 people are believed to have made their way to the Nevada wasteland this year, making it among the most attended in Burning Man’s history, and the event is always among the most hotly anticipated for festivalgoers every summer.

But after the heavens opened on Thursday, torrential storms are thought to have brought the most rainfall that the event has seen since its inception in 1986


(Just a snap shot)


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Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

The Pentagon launches to the public: a website with information about UFOs.

The Pentagon has established a website that will inform the public on the subject and soon the public will also be given the opportunity to report encounters with UFOs through the website.

Patricia N.
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Bill Gates is funding a scheme to cut down 70 million acres of forests in North America:

Bill Gates and other investors are betting Kodama Systems can reduce carbon dioxide in the air by chopping down and burying trees. The move will see 70 million acres of forests, mostly in the Western United States, cut down over the next decade.

After cutting down the trees, Kodama plans to bury them – to reduce global warming.  However, “global warming” is a scam to enable the rich to become richer and the real reason for the destruction of forests is to reap saleable carbon offsets.

At the end of July, Forbes was given the task of promoting Gates’ latest plan to destroy and capitalize on the natural world in the name of “climate change” in an article titled: ‘Chop Down Forests to Save the Planet? Maybe Not as Crazy as it Sounds.'   Yes, it is as crazy as it sounds.

It’s not long into the article that Forbes links carbon to trading of carbon credits and carbon offsets:

Yes, the conventional idea is to plant trees to soak up carbon dioxide from the air and to then sell credits to corporations, private jet owners, and others who need or want to offset their emissions. But scientists say burying trees can reduce global warming as well – particularly if those trees would otherwise end up burning or decaying, spewing their stored carbon into the air.

Trees are “spewing” carbon into the air. Really?  It’s shameless propaganda.

The fires in Greece, Spain, Italy, and the Amazon rainforest are most likely due to arson.  And regarding the recent fires in Hawaii – there are so many questions without honest answers concerning the destruction of Lahaina in Maui, that even people who normally trust the government are starting to wonder what has really happened there.

So, we can conclude the idea is don’t use the wood, don’t recycle it, and don’t allow it to enrich the environment, simply cut trees down and bury them.  Does it sound crazy to you?

We have a crisis but it’s not a climate crisis.  Green policies are killing people, economies and, increasingly, the planet.  The goal to reduce carbon emissions is a scam to enable the rich to become richer off the backs of the poor.

Even scientists who have been bought off or indoctrinated with the “climate crisis” ideology have had enough of the billionaires’ antics.


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He needs a lot of small flexible wood strips to make his handbasket to ride in.


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Fact Check: Is This the Hottest Summer on Earth?:

Claim: “This summer is on track to be the hottest recorded on Earth.”

An article in Barron’s about rising food prices made the claim on Wednesday morning.  CNN’s headline proclaimed: “The world has just experienced the hottest summer on record – by a significant margin.”  You can find similarly alarming headlines from CBS News, the Guardian, and the Associated Press.

Verdict: Misleading. Compared with most of the earth’s history, this summer is unusually cold. The “record” referred to is kept by the United Nations World Meteorological Organization and European climate service Copernicus. It goes back only to 1940.

Researchers for the Smithsonian Institution surveyed the earth’s temperatures over the last 500 million years. As you can see from the chart below [at the link], the earth has been much hotter for most of the past 500 million years.

Let’s quote again:
Modern human civilization, with its permanent agriculture and settlements, has developed over just the past 10,000 years or so. The period has generally been one of low temperatures and relative global (if not regional) climate stability. Compared to most of Earth’s history, today is unusually cold; we now live in what geologists call an interglacial—a period between glaciations of an ice age.

So what is going on with all these media organizations claiming this is the hottest recorded summer on earth? A lot of misleading work is being done by the phrase “on record” or the word “recorded” in the news stories. The “record” referred to is kept by the United Nations World Meteorological Organization and European climate service Copernicus. It goes back only to 1940.  Apparently, the headline writers thought “Hottest Summer Since 1940” was just not alarming enough.

The records of fossilized corals, leaf shapes, ancient glaciations, and hothouse periods show that global temperatures are nowhere near as warm as they have been in the past. It may be hot out there this summer—perhaps even the hottest in decades—but we are nowhere near the hottest temperatures the earth has experienced.

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