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Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

The Dutch government collapsed over immigration policy.
Good news to the Dutch farmers!

Patricia N.
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The UN Has Come Up With A Shockingly Insidious Plan For Global Domination:

Under a shocking new plan that is scheduled to be adopted two months before the U.S. presidential election in 2024, all it would take is some sort of a major “global shock” for the United Nations to literally take authority over the entire planet.  I realize that this may sound like the plot to a really bad science fiction movie, but this is actually what is being proposed, and the Biden administration is fully behind this insidious plan.  Unfortunately, the mainstream media in the United States is not covering this at all, and so most people have absolutely no idea that this is going on.

In September 2024, less than two months before the next U.S. presidential election, the United Nations will host a landmark “Summit of the Future,” where member nations will adopt a Pact for the Future. The agreement will solidify numerous policy reforms offered by the U.N. over the past two years as part of its sweeping Our Common Agenda platform.

Although there are numerous radical proposals included in the agenda, perhaps none are more important than the U.N. plan for a new “emergency platform,” a stunning proposal to give the U.N. significant powers in the event of future “global shocks,” such as another worldwide pandemic.

The paper gives several examples of what could trigger the emergency authority, including “major climatic event,” “future pandemic risks,” a “global digital connectivity disruption,” “major event in outer space,” and generic “unforeseen risks, (‘black swan’ events).”

And it turns out that once these emergency powers have been activated, the UN would have authority to keep extending them indefinitely…

Patricia N.
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PETA Rewrites The Book Of Genesis And Creation Account To Erase The Beautiful Type Picture Of Jesus Sacrificed As The Only Begotten Son Of God:

PETA sells vegan-friendly AI Bible rewrite where Abraham skips sacrificing Isaac, befriends a lamb instead.

Among the changes made by PETA to the Word of God includes referring to animals as “beings” rather than “beasts” or “creatures.” Another deviation is the use of plant fibers like hemp and bamboo as clothing rather than animal skins, a significant change from the narrative in Genesis 3 in which God made “garments of [an unidentified animal] skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them” (Genesis 3:21).

The animal rights group also inserted an entirely new storyline into Genesis 21, where Abraham and Sarah, who at that point in the text are 100 and 90 years old, respectively, “add to their growing family by adopting a dog named Herbie.”

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Ha!  Herbie's not a dog, he's a Volkswagen love bug.

Patricia N.
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Justin Trudeau’s Canada Shrugs, Says Out-of-Control Fires Will Rage Through August:

Canadian forestry officials predicted on Thursday that the ongoing, out-of-control wildfires burning across the country and polluting large swathes of America will continue through August, breaking records for the amount of territory burned.

Canada has already documented one of the most severe wildfire seasons in recent memory, the result of a variety of factors, including a lack of forest management, the absence of a national fire service, and underfunding of regional fire agencies. Quebec, one of the most-affected provinces, made the bizarre decision in June to reject firefighters from Montreal, according to the city’s mayor, to wait for firefighters imported from France and other foreign countries.

Despite recruiting thousands of emergency personnel from America, France, Costa Rica, Portugal, South Korea, and other countries, 639 fires were burning throughout Canada as of Wednesday, over half of them classified as “out-of-control.”

Within Canada, the Trudeau government has faced years of criticism for poor maintenance of the nation’s forests.

“Research on forests in British Columbia shows that in centuries past, small- to moderate-size fires were common every several decades. Underbrush and deadfall on the forest floor would burn away, but many trees would survive,” the editorial board of the Globe and Mail, a Canadian newspaper of record, explained in 2021. With the elimination of small-scale fires, the newspaper continued, and the development of forests for lumber, they became far more flammable and “full of deadfall, which is basically kindling.”

The government of President Joe Biden has blamed “climate change” rather than government mismanagement for the wildfires. . . .  Canada has no national fire service and no federal forest management service. It does not practice active forest management.

Globe and Mail, a Canadian newspaper of record. . . .blamed “decades of bad decisions” for increasingly severe fire seasons in recent years.

Patricia N.
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Amit Tsarfati:

Excited about electric cars?  You think you’re saving the planet by driving them? According to Amnesty International, The Democratic Republic of Congo has the world's largest reserves of cobalt, a mineral crucial to the global energy transition. Some 40,000 children are still reported to be working in mines in particularly perilous conditions, particularly in Kolwezi.

Patricia N.
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Amit Tsarfati from his email newsletter:

France Continues to Burn:
Violence, looting, vandalism, and arson are still filling the nights in many French cities. It all began with the death of 17-year-old Algerian, Naher Merzouk, shot by police in a Paris suburb. Now most major cities, along with many smaller villages which in the past were immune to this type of unrest, have been rocked by the riots. “Unfortunately, the increase of uncivil behavior, of violence, is developing even in modest towns like ours…. It’s very hard to solve,” said Philippe Van-Hoorne, mayor of L’Aigle in Normandy. It certainly is a hard problem to solve. After years of open immigration policies, the cultural and religious makeup of France has changed dramatically. What we are seeing is the result of these leftist policies, and, unfortunately, it is likely too late to do anything about it.

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