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The Creature from Jekyll Island raises its ugly head again.

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Hmmm … interesting!  That J.P Morgan suddenly cancelled his voyage … I wonder if he notified the pending doom to …

Milton S. Hershey because he was suppose to be on the Titanic too but cancelled at the very last minute and then took a different ship … SS Amerika.


Per Wikipedia

Close call of the Titanic
In 1912, the Hersheys were booked to travel on the ill-fated maiden voyage of the British luxury liner RMS Titanic. They canceled their reservations at the last minute due to business matters requiring Hershey's attention. The cancellation is often incorrectly attributed to Kitty Hershey falling ill, but by this time, she had been ill for several years.[14] Instead, they booked passage to New York on the German luxury liner SS Amerika. The former Hershey Museum displayed a copy of the check Milton Hershey wrote to the White Star Line as a deposit for a first-class stateroom on the Titanic.  This copy is now located in the archives of the Hershey Story Museum, which replaced the original Hershey Museum in 2009.

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With John Jacob Astor IV.   The Astor family is one of the top 13 illumanti families. But perhaps  … “the 4th son” wasn’t for “the agenda”?  :unsure:

Our local newspaper said this today
At least 46 people successfully traveled on OceanGat’es submerible to the Titanic wreck site in 2021 and 2022. One of the company’s first customers characterized a dive he made to the site 2 years ago as a “kamikaze operation”  Imagine a metal tube a few meters long with a sheet of metal for a floor. You can’t stand, you can’t kneel, everyone is sitting close to or on top of each other.   And during the 2 1/2 hr descent and ascent, the lights were turned off to conserve energy with the only illumination coming from a fluorescent glow stick.

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I can’t imagine paying a lot of money to want to be on that 2 1/2 hour voyage in those conditions.  Even if they had evidence the Titanic was blown up … most people today wouldn’t care and the deep state agenda seems unstoppable for man but not for Jesus. :whistle:

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It's difficult to know the truth about any of this. So many different angles involved. But there have been over 700,000 scans made of Titanic recently and they are going to produce a 3D model of the entire wreck site so it may not matter to the outcome that Nargeolet was killed, though a sad ending for him. AI would be able to determine if the hull was breached from the outside or this inside. At this point in the game it wouldn't matter if the Federal Reserve was exposed or not. Hilary and Biden are still walking free and there seems to be more than enough evidence to put them both away for life and yet.........

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Hmmm … I just saw these comments on another forum board …


The victims are OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, French Navy veteran Paul-Henri (PH) Nargeolet, British billionaire Hamish Harding, Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman, who was just 19.

They paid 250,000 each. Hamish Harding was involved with Bezos and other projects....Shahzda has connections to the WEF....the plot thickens



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Patricia N.
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‘We Could Eat Malignant Chicken Tumors by the Bucket Load’ – Lab-Grown Meat’s Impending CANCER Problem:

Lab-grown meat, touted as the “cruelty-free” food of the future by everyone from the World Economic Forum to Hollywood mega-celebs like Leonardo DiCaprio, may have a fatal problem, according to a new Bloomberg story.

The problem is that the materials used to make the product – “immortalized cell lines” – replicate forever, just like cancer. Which means, in effect, that they are cancer. Although these cell lines are widely used in scientific research, they’ve never been used to produce food before.

“Immortalized cells are a staple of medical research, but they are, technically speaking, precancerous and can be, in some cases, fully cancerous… [but d]on’t worry: Prominent cancer researchers tell Bloomberg Businessweek that because the cells aren’t human, it’s essentially impossible for people who eat them to get cancer from them, or for the precancerous or cancerous cells to replicate inside people at all.”
Bloomberg Businessweek. . . labeled plant-based meats “just another fad.”

Industry types are “confident” that eating such products poses no risk – although there isn’t any hard data – but it’s not difficult to see, even if the products are “proven” safe, how people might be put off by the thought they’re eating a glorified tumor.

Beyond Meat, has barely even been able to put on a brave face. Shares in the company plunged 75 percent in the first three quarters of the last year, and its flagship pilot collaboration with McDonald’s, the “McPlant Burger”, was discontinued by the fast-food giant.

In a shocking op-ed for the New York Times last summer, Annalise Griffin acknowledged that inflation could, and should, be used to get people to stop eating meat, whether they like it or not.  Expect other tricks as well.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

The most difficult night in the history of France since the Second World War: Intifada disturbances and armed fights spread all over France: municipalities were set on fire, as well as cultural institutions, police stations and houses, there is a lack of control in the country, and a feeling of terror and doom among the residents. This is the map of the Muslim riots from the night before (does not include small towns), and tonight it was worse.

[The map should be at the link.]

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Amir Tsarfati:

While some prophecy teachers claim that the antichrist must be a Muslim, I strongly oppose that view simply because I believe that this man of evil and son of perdition will come from the revived Roman Empire which is in fact Western Europe of today, a place crying for help as a result of radical Islam’s expansion aspirations.
What we see in France today is going to have a ripple effect in other countries such as Germany and we can already see the quick rise of Alternative für Deutschland - the right-wing nationalistic political party.
Europe as a whole is sick and drugged by hedonism and liberalism covered up by politically correct globalist political establishment and media outlets.

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Amir Tsarfati:

Macron is resisting calls from his Police and military commanders to declare a state of emergency as he feels this will weaken his already shambolic Presidency as rioters have carried out raids on Police stations which have been ransacked and rioters are now armed with Automatic weapons. Security forces are being driven back and appear to be losing ground. Patience with Macron is almost gone and there are increasing calls for the military to remove Macron and take control of the Government. Britain's foreign office is now warning UK citizens not to travel to France. 

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The Worse It Gets in France, the Less American Corporate Media Is Covering It and We Know Why ⋆ 🔔 The Liberty Daily by J.D. Rucker

When the initial protests started in France over the death of “French George Floyd” Nahel M, a 17-year-old Muslim killed by police, corporate media was all over it. But in recent days as the protests turned into riots, then full-blown insurrection (the real kind, not the J6 false version), corporate media suddenly has many other things to cover.

What happened? It’s obvious. Open borders and forced multiculturalism have been exposed for their inevitable outcomes and American corporate media doesn’t want us to see what’s in our future.

Continue to read Link


I think "American corporate media doesn’t want us to see what’s in our future." Because they have a BIG AGENDA.

Below is from











Video: Compilation of Zionists and Jews in the Media/Social Media/Search Engines (Control-of-Perception), Pornography (Cultural Debasement), Banking/Central Banking (Theft through fractional reserve banking), and “Government”/Politics to the hip hop beat of “I’m Not White, I’m Jewish” by Matt Bar Mitzvah:



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Patricia N.
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Just Before Independence Day, the Liberal Washington Post Whines About Fireworks Contributing to Pollution and Climate Change:

The scolds at the liberal Washington Post are whining about fireworks and climate change, just as the country is getting ready to celebrate Independence Day.

Can you imagine how exhausting it is to live this way? Finding fault with everything and linking nearly everything to climate change?

The Post even compares the effects of fireworks to smoke from wildfires.

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