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Patricia N.
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Major Philadelphia Highway Collapses Following Fiery Tanker Truck Explosion (VIDEO):

A portion of the northbound lanes on Interstate-95 (I-95) collapsed early Sunday morning following an explosion caused by a burning tanker truck, Philadelphia city officials announced.

The tanker truck reportedly caught fire underneath the I-95 overpass in a shocking incident that led to a portion of the busy highway crumbling. No fatalities or injuries have been reported.

“All lanes of I-95 closed in both directions between Woodhaven and Aramingo exits due to fire/road collapse. Other streets closed for the response. Avoid area. Plan and seek alternative travel routes,” said Philadelphia Office of Emergency Management.

“We did have a collapse of 95 on the northbound side, and the southbound side is compromised by heavy fire,” Derek Bowmer, battalion chief for the Philadelphia Fire Department, said during a news conference Sunday morning per CNN. “It looked like we had a lot of heat and heavy fire underneath the underpass.”

Bowmer speculated that “runoff of maybe some fuel or gas lines that could have been compromised by the accident” contributed to the explosions that occurred near the highway collapse.

“We have fire coming out of those manholes,” Bowmer said.

Patricia N.
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Alex Soros Inherits $25 Billion Financial Empire from Father George Soros, Pledges to Continue Ultra-Liberal Causes:

Hungarian-born American George Soros, 92, is passing the torch to his younger son, Alex Soros, who will now control his father’s $25 billion financial empire.

Known for his ultra-liberal causes, 37-year-old Alex Soros has vowed to further broaden his father’s wide-ranging woke interests to include voting and abortion rights, and gender equality, Breitbart reported.

“I’m more political,” Alex told Wall Street Journal.

The Gateway Pundit reported Alex has quietly become a de-facto White House “ambassador,” making at least 17 visits there on behalf of the far-left kingmaker since President Joe Biden took office.

Soros is a well-known supporter of progressive and liberal political causes, donating millions over the years to various campaigns and woke causes in the United States and around the world. He has been a significant donor to the Democratic Party and its candidates, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Soros has given significant funding to a number of district attorney races across the U.S. This is in line with his philosophy of reforming the criminal justice system and reducing incarceration rates.


Patricia N.
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California Advances Bill To Help Shoplifters Steal:

Shoplifting in California may get a lot easier, after the state Senate passed a controversial bill on May 31 that would make it illegal for store employees to confront thieves.  It's unclear whether SB 553 applies to security guards.

"Substantively, SB 533 does not change the realities around workplace violence—namely, that it is a criminal matter that employers are not well-equipped to prevent."

In recent years, shoplifting has become a serious problem, with retailers such as Target anticipating a $1.3 billion hit due to "theft and organized crime."  In Downtown San Francisco, Target employees told the San Francisco Standard that they're experiencing at least 10 thefts a day.

Apparently, the answer to incidents . . . is to allow shoplifters to simply walk out without confrontation.

Patricia N.
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Rockefeller Center Replaces World Flags With Pride Flags:

The Rockefeller Center in NYC has replaced 193 world flags with pride flags.

The outside courtyard of the Rockefeller Center usually attracts tourists from all over the world and has become an iconic place to take photos.

Take a look:

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I wonder if they did the rainbow flags and wore the rainbow clothing back in Lot’s time in Sodom and Gomorrah?

I went to the grocery store deli today to pick up some fried chicken and glanced over in the bakery dept and there is a long table with bagels in baskets - they are discounted on Sunday and in one basket were … rainbow bagels. 🙄   They looked gross … I wonder how much toxic food coloring was used.

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June 11, 2023

WEF calls for AI to rewrite the Bible, create “religions that are actually correct”. 

Harari then revealed that he and his allies at the WEF have a solution to the supposed problems he’d just highlighted.

“AI can create new ideas; [it] can even write a new Bible,” he declared. “throughout history, religions dreamt about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity” he added.


And the conditioning of the people for the AC worship … AI sermons are already happening

(Just a snap shot)


- Fair Use -


Thankfully in the tribulation period they can’t stop Truth … preaching of the Cross will still  be heard by the 2 witnesses, 144,000 and  the angels :yes:

Revelation 14:6 - 7 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,  Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

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AI can create new ideas; [it] can even write a new Bible,” he declared. “throughout history, religions dreamt about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity” he added.

Revelation 22

18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

Patricia N.
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Poll: Plurality of California Voters Oppose ‘Gender Affirming Surgery’ for Children:

A plurality of California voters totally oppose “gender affirming surgery” for children, and most support parental rights in schools, a comprehensive Rasmussen Reports survey focusing on parental rights and transgenderism released on Monday concluded.

The survey, taken ahead of what society has deemed “pride” month, asked California voters a series of questions about the role of schools related to pushing gender ideology on children, as well as the overwhelming push to normalize gender confusion among children.

The survey asked respondents, “By what age is it appropriate for a child to be taught they can choose their gender?”  A plurality, 38 percent, said “never,” while 23 percent said that those under the age of 18 can be taught they can choose their gender, followed by 10 percent who said under the age of 16, 9 percent who said under the age of 12 is fine, 6 percent who said under the age of 8, and 4 percent who said under the age of 4.

Most, 69 percent, “strongly” disagree with the statement that a “person loses their parental rights when a child enters public school,” and a majority support a law that would require parents “to be notified of any major change in a child’s physical, mental, or emotional health or academic performance.” Sixty-eight percent also oppose teachers and administrators keeping information about a child’s gender identity secret from the parents, and 63 percent disagree that a 12-year-old child is mature enough to consent to mental health treatment or counseling without parental knowledge.

Additionally, the survey found 52 percent expressing the belief that it is not “abuse” for a parent to refuse to acknowledge their child’s request to identify and be treated as a member of the opposite sex.

The survey comes as California bill AB-957 is under scrutiny, as it would essentially count parents’ refusal to affirm their child’s chosen “gender identity” as a strike against them in custody battles.

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Those percentages are sadly rather low.

9 percent who said under the age of 12 is fine, 6 percent who said under the age of 8, and 4 percent who said under the age of 4.

Those 27% need help! That number is scary.

Patricia N.
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UK local governments are declaring a “climate emergency” and forming committees to implement dystopian plans:

Last Tuesday, two members of the public attended the Leeds City Council Climate Emergency Advisory Committee open forum.  The open forum allows members of the public five minutes to speak about matters relating to the “climate crisis.”

Below are excerpts from the open forum where Suzanne and Trudie questioned the thinking that underpins policymaking and informed councilors of the wider implications of the measures being pursued by the council.

“In this report,” Trudie told the Council, “they talk about how the UK will rapidly get to net zero emissions by 2050.  The authors of the document tell us:

"All airports in the UK except Heathrow, Glasgow and Belfast will close in the next decade and all-out air traffic will cease by 2050;
All existing forms of blast furnace production will be halted by 2050 meaning that the construction industry will have to radically change its production methods or close;
Buildings will become smaller and much more expensive;
All naval shipping will cease by 2050 with the possibility of some freight ships resuming after 2050 if they can be fuelled by nuclear power;
All consumption of beef and lamb will cease by 2050 along with all overseas food that is not imported by rail;
All non-renewable energy production will seize by 2050.”

“No consumption of meat by 2030;
Only three new items of clothing per person per year by 2030;
No private vehicles by 2030; and,
Only one short-haul flight once every three years per person by 2030.

“Is this the world you want to live in?  Is the legacy you want to leave for your children and your children’s children?”

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