I wonder what "he's" eating....he doesn't look too good!! Steak and Lobster, caviar, all sorts of expensive treats and delicacies we may never have heard of. Surely you don't suppose they believe their lies? Megyn Kelly Tears Up – Vows to No Longer Use Preferred Pronouns (VIDEO): Real Clear Politics provides a partial transcript: MEGYN KELLY: I for one will not be celebrating this dishonesty. In fact, I’m in a very different place when it comes to this entire issue. And that is the subject of today’s opening – Why I’m done with preferred pronouns… I was an early proponent of using preferred pronouns as far back as the early 2000s. Of saying “she” when I knew the truth was “he.” It seemed harmless and I had no wish to cause offense. Trans people were tortured enough, it seemed to me, by nature of their dysphoria and society’s disdain for them in general. So I complied. I went along with it. At one point in her monologue, Megyn Kelly teared up as she spoke about the pain women feel as society pushes this ideology. The left pushed the country to the limit on this issue.
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/megyn-kelly-explains-why-she-will-no-longer/ Communist China is drilling a hole measuring 32,800 feet deep into the Earth’s crust in the Xinjiang region, prompting suspicion of their motives. NTEB In the comment section: Per BBC The lakes, forests, mists and snow of the Kola Peninsula, deep in the Arctic Circle, can make this corner of Russia seem like a scene from a fairy tale. Yet amidst the natural beauty stand the ruins of an abandoned Soviet scientific research station. In the middle of the crumbling building is a heavy, rusty metal cap embedded in the concrete floor, secured by a ring of thick and equally rusty metal bolts. According to some, this is the entrance to hell. This is the Kola Superdeep Borehole, the deepest manmade hole on Earth and deepest artificial point on Earth. The 40,230ft-deep (12.2km) construction is so deep that locals swear you can hear the screams of souls tortured in hell. It took the Soviets almost 20 years to drill this far, but the drill bit was still only about one-third of the way through the crust to the Earth’s mantle when the project came grinding to a halt in the chaos of post-Soviet Russia. The Soviets’ superdeep borehole isn’t alone. During the Cold War, there was a race by the superpowers to drill as deep as possible into the Earth’s crust – and even to reach the mantle of the planet itself. *************************************************************** When Dutch artist Lotte Geevan lowered her microphone protected by a thermal shield down the German borehole, it picked up a deep rumbling sound that scientists couldn’t explain, a rumbling that made her “feel very small; it was the first time in my life this big ball we live on came to life, and it sounds haunting,” she says. “Some people thought it did sound like hell. Others thought they could hear the planet breathe.” “The plan was there to drill deeper than the Soviets,” says Harms, “but we hadn’t even reached our allowed phase of 10km (6.25 miles) in the time we had. Then where we were drilling was just much hotter than where the Russians were. It was pretty clear that it was going to be much more difficult for us to go any deeper. ———————— Another watcher posted All I can say is this -- many have tried to go that depth and beyond --the US included (Project Moho anyone?) - Fair Use - 3 in 10 Young Americans and Mostly Democrats Support Government Cameras Installed in American Households, Survey Says: In a society increasingly shaped by technology and security concerns, a concerning trend is emerging among younger generations in the United States. While most Americans across all demographic groups oppose government surveillance in their homes, there is a higher acceptance of such measures among younger individuals willing to trade freedom and privacy for enhanced security and protection. In a newly released national survey conducted by the CATO Institute, it has been revealed that almost a third of young Americans (Gen Z) favor the installation of government surveillance cameras in every household. The survey included 2,000 participants and examined public attitudes toward the government’s potential role in reducing “domestic violence, abuse, and illegal activities.” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/3-10-young-americans-mostly-democrats-support-government/ GREAT RESET: World’s Largest Asset Management Firm BlackRock Behind Forcing DEI And ESG On Companies Via Chinese-Style ‘Social Credit’ Scheme: Last week I was researching a story about the DEI page on the Chick-fil-A website, and all the purported furor it was generating. I’ll be honest, I knew about the environmental, social, and governance initiatives known as ESG, but I knew nothing about the diversity, equity, and inclusion of DEI. Where is all this coming from, and why is nearly every major company doing it? As it turns out, there is a simple, one-word answer to that question. BlackRock. Brian Brenberg, guest-hosting for “Bottom Line” host Sean Duffy, noted that DEI and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) initiatives are a way for woke activists to enact their unpopular agenda by bypassing the democratic process. “This stuff would never pass if legislators had to vote on it,” Brenberg said. “So, corporations carry the water or the government bureaucracy does it behind the scenes through regulation. But either way, it happens to people without them ever getting a chance to raise their hand and say, hey, we don’t want this.” “And the people whose money BlackRock is investing also haven’t said that’s what they want,” Carney noted. “And that’s one of the reasons BlackRock has tried more recently to walk this back — because they realized that they had gotten way out to the left of the American people, and they need the American people. That’s why they’re the biggest asset manager — because they’re running people’s retirement funds. If people say, ‘Wait a minute, I don’t want you pushing this far-left agenda on America, give me my money back’ that will put the company in trouble. So, they’re trying to run away from this.” BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is on record about his firm’s efforts to ‘force change’ of the woke agenda. The Chinese Social Credit scheme is evil, woke is evil, and BlackRock is oozing and dripping with evilness. Watch the video at the bottom of this article and you’ll see what we mean. In the 2017 video, Fink states, “Well, behaviors are going to have to change, and this is one thing we’re asking companies. You have to force behaviors. And at BlackRock, we are forcing behaviors.” Here we go again. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla CDC Director Rochelle Walensky President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy Chairperson of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab Klaus Schwab's Top Advisor Yuval Noah Harari George Soros Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell Leading Creator of Ukraine Mess Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas Attorney General Merrick Garland Secretary of State Antony Blinken...... Tucker On The Donbass Dam And UFO Craft Recoveries 6-7-23 10 min. vid https://rense.com/general97/tucker-donbass.php Fair Use
Chinese Academy of Engineering scientist Sun Jinsheng said drillers will go down in more than 10 layers of rock during the project. “The drilling is expected to take about 457 days and is being led by the China National Petroleum Corp, which will use the project to test underground drilling machines and gather data on the Earth’s interior,” the Post article said
The deepest hole we have ever dug
At the German Borehole:
the Russians even tried it -- got quite a bit deeper than we did, but the heat was so intense at that level, that it made any further drilling impossible; so they gave up .... capped it and went on ..
I don't think that UNLESS the Chinese have some super drilling equipment, way beyond us or the Russians, it will work -- now If they do have that super equipment, well, then I will worry