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Carry on!

Previous thread here.

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I am impressed with Colonel Douglas Macgregor.  He makes good sense, and he's informed, articulate, realistic, and honest.  I suspect you'll like him too. :yes:


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That was a great video, Dan!

Patricia N.
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AI Develops Cancer Drug in 30 Days, Predicts Life Expectancy with 80% Accuracy:

AI technologies invented by scientists at the University of British Columbia and B.C. Cancer has succeeded in discovering a previously-unknown treatment pathway for an aggressive form of liver cancer, designing a new drug to treat it in the process.

The team also deployed AI to determine a patient’s life expectancy, by having it analyze doctors’ notes. The AI reportedly has an 80 percent accuracy rate in its predictions.

The feat was accomplished in just 30 days from target selection and after only synthesizing seven compounds.

The system used to predict life expectancy used natural language processing (NLP)—a branch of AI that understands complex human language—to analyze oncologist notes following a patient’s initial consultation visit.

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To combat food shortages, North Korea deploys the military:

Hundreds of thousands of North Korean troops are mobilizing to help plant and harvest crops. The country’s military is ​rejiggering some of its munitions factories to produce tractors and threshing machines, while also ​converting some airfields ​into greenhouses. Soldiers are reportedly being asked to extend their service by three years and spend them on farms.

The directives have come straight from North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un, who has called for his military to become “a driving force” in increasing food production.

When he presided over his Central Military Commission more than a week ago, the state media only briefly mentioned the threat posed by the joint military drills between South Korea and the United States, focusing instead on Kim’s campaign around food.

Hit by droughts and floods, hamstrung by socialist mismanagement and hurt by international sanctions, North Koreans have long suffered from ​food shortages. Millions died during a famine in the 1990s. Even in the best of years, many North Koreans go hungry.  But the pandemic made it worse.

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Pope Francis: “Hell is not a Place”:

Pope Francis has again denied Catholic dogma concerning the afterlife. First, he said, "No one can be condemned forever" (A.M. 297), then he said that the souls of unrepentant sinners who die in mortal sin are simply “annihilated” or disappear and are not punished eternally. Now he's saying that Hell does not exist.

In an interview conducted by Argentinian news site Perfil, Francis was asked, “What is your own interpretation of Hell and paradise, and what happens to people who go to Hell, and what happens to those who go to paradise?”

Francis answered: "Hell is not a place," explaining that "it is a state of the heart” and “a posture towards life.

This directly contravenes the Church's dogmatic teaching that Hell is a distinct place in the netherworld, the abode of the damned, where the souls of unrepentant sinners that die out of grace are eternally punished by means of fire. Christ Himself said that those who merely neglect good works are sent “into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels.” (Mt. 25:41)

As always, we see Francis pulling ideas out of his hat and presenting them as doctrine while mocking and trashing the Church's true teachings as given by Christ and upheld through the centuries by the true Popes. The faithful have a duty to reject Francis’ heterodox ideas lest they wind up in the fire themselves.

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And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Matt 10:28

Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Matt 25:41

And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever....This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. Rev 20:10-14

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 2 Pet 3:9


Patricia N.
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Today a Catholic friend confided that she is afraid that her church is the church of Satan.  This is not the first time she has told me that.

Patricia N.
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Nolte: Democrat-Run City Bans New Gas Stations to Fight Climate Change:

The lunatics in charge of Louisville, Colorado, have decided to ban any new gas stations from moving into their city.  Currently, Louisville has a population of 21,000 people and only six gas stations.  Additionally, any new “gas stations and service stations will also be required to have at least two charging stations for electric vehicles. . . "

How does banning the number of gas stations help fight Climate Change (which is a hoax)?  Even though it is a hoax, let’s pretend Climate Change is real…. So how does banning gas stations decrease carbon emissions?

Like this lunatic city council, I’m no scientist, but it seems to me that if you limit the number of gas stations, two things will happen: 1) people waiting in line to get gas will idle their cars longer than they normally would, and 2) people will have to drive further to get gas. In both cases, you get cars running longer than they would otherwise, which puts more carbon in the air.

It gets worse… The city council has decided “the entire city’s municipal electricity needs” must come from “carbon-free sources by 2025.”  That’s less than two years from now.

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What makes their lunacy worse is that there is not enough raw material on the planet to produce the number of batteries needed to replace all the gas burning vehicles.

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