
I saw this first on Amir's Telegraph site and followed the link to this article. Vladimir Putin’s car ‘attacked with bomb’ in ‘assassination attempt’ over Ukraine invasion, Kremlin insider claims: The Russian tyrant's car was hit by a "loud bang" on its left front wheel which was followed by "heavy smoke", sources close to the leader alleged. Putin's limo was driven to safety with the president unharmed - but there have been multiple arrests from his security service, it is claimed. It is reported some of his bodyguards have vanished amid claims secret information about the 69-year-old's movements were compromised, according to the General GVR Telegram channel. The anti-Kremlin channel claims Putin was travelling back to his official residence in a decoy motorcade amid security fears. It comes amid claims that Russian officials are calling for Putin to resign after the nation suffers "significant" setbacks amid a Ukrainian counterattack. Ukrainian troops have retaken a large area of territory - forcing troops from Moscow to make a hasty retreat. Meanwhile, the Telegram channel said details of the supposed attack are “classified." It added: “The head of the president's bodyguard [service] and several other people have been suspended and are in custody,” the channel claimed, without naming anyone. “A narrow circle of people knew about the movement of the president in this cortege, and all of them were from the presidential security service. “After the incident, three of them disappeared. These were exactly the people who were in the first car of the motorcade. “Their fate is currently unknown. The car on which they were travelling was found empty a few kilometres from the incident.” Meanwhile, at least seven Russian oligarchs close to Putin may have been murdered as the president purges his inner circle of former wealthy allies. Since the start of the year, several of Putin's cronies have died in mysterious circumstances. But sources believe they may have actually been murdered as it's claimed there were similarities in their deaths.