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Patricia N.
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Seduced By The Culture - Most Americans Believe These Top 10 Lies:

"The spiritually inclusive idea that 'having faith matters more than what faith you have'"   The survey, with more than 2,000 participants, found that 62% believe the post-modern idea that "having faith matters more than what faith you have."  Closson shared that in John 14:6, Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

"All faiths are of equal value"

"Belief in the Eastern religious concept of 'karma'"

"The dismissal of absolute truth"   Sixty-seven percent of Americans say that there's no way to know something that is objectively right or wrong.

"Commitment to personal, subjective morality"

"The idea that people are 'basically good'"    The researchers at Arizona Christian University found that 69% of Christians believe the seductive notion that everyone is inherently good. But Closson points out that in Romans 3:23, Paul states, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

"Success is determined by happiness, comfort, goodness, or fulfilled potential"

"Sexual relations apart from marriage are morally acceptable"

"Rejection of the notion that people are inherently sinful"

"The purpose of accumulated personal wealth is unrelated to God's purposes"    Although this is a prevalent idea, the Bible instructs Christians in 1 Corinthians 10:31 saying, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

"The only way to ensure that you have a biblical worldview is by knowing, believing, and living out God's Word."


Patricia N.
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Biden Recession: NBC May Cut 33% of Primetime Programming to Save Money:

With viewership and revenues continuing to fall, NBC is looking to cut the number of hours it programs for primetime television.

Under the plan being discussed, NBC would halt its primetime programing at 10 p.m. eastern (9 p.m. central) and hand that following hour each evening over to affiliates to air whatever programing they want, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The decision has not been finalized, but if it does, the network would cancel a full third of the block of time that was once considered TV’s top viewing hours. Such a move would drastically affect the network’s scripted dramas airing in that final primetime hour.

It is unlikely that the plan could kick in any sooner than the fall 2023 season if adopted, according to WSJ.

The paper added that the insiders who spoke to them about the plan said that it was being considered strictly as a cost-cutting measure, as cutting an hour of scripted TV would save them millions annually. It could also be attractive to affiliates who may be able to earn more from ad revenue with the extra evening hour falling under their control.

The big three networks  (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have seen a massive loss of viewers over the last decade, as streaming has shifted audience habits away from appointment television viewing.

According to stats from Spoiler TV, since 2011 the networks have lost an average of just over 80 percent of their audiences. From 2011 to this most recent quarter in 2022, ABC has lost 81.53 percent of its viewers, CBS has shed 81.32 percent, and NBC has lost 73.74 percent. As to Fox and the CW, they have lost 70.49 and 86.96 percent respectively.

Chopping an hour of primetime TV, though, speaks to how much less power and influence network TV now has compared to the golden age of television.

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I was reading in the comment section of a yahoo article a few weeks ago … with inflation people just can’t afford paying close to $200 per month for cable/satellite tv programming and they are sick of the gazillion channels of info commercials. So a few said they are cutting the cord and want to go back to the old fashion metal antenna on the roof and will settle for the free network channels.  I wonder if they are having a hard time finding roof antennas to install?

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Starts @ 1:05


In the comment section

Wars and RUMORS of wars

This is not a good development. I know a young American Navy man on the USS TRIPOLI which is currently in the Sea of Japan. There are thousands of American soldiers on those huge ships. Let us pray for all of our American service men & women and ask God to protect them

The US embassy in Baghdad I heard is being evacuated and there’s a curfew after protesters exchange gunfire in green zone,

My step son said something was going on in NYC. They've told military personnel who were there for a week to plan on a much longer stay. But the weird part is whatever they're loading and unloading has to be done in total darkness. No lights, flashlights nothing. They have to use night vision goggles to see. What would be that light sensitive?! And all after their nuke safety psa


- Fair Use -

Patricia N.
Posts: 4223
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Census Bureau: 3.8 Million Americans Will Likely Be Evicted in Next Two Months #BidenEffect:

The Census Bureau reported on Monday that 8.5 million Americans are behind on their rent in August.  3.5 million Americans will likely be evicted in the next two months.

The combination of soaring inflation, the end of most eviction moratoriums and rental assistance payments and an extremely low vacancy rate has pushed rents up — and many renters out.

Rents up nearly 25% since before the pandemic.  Since 2006, rents have risen faster than home prices, but at the same time, the shortage of available rental units has been steadily increasing since the Great Recession.


Patricia N.
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Is the U.S. Losing Control of Iraq? Protesters Ransack Presidential Palace:

Our old “friend” Muqtada al Sadr aka Mookie announced he is withdrawing from Iraqi politics and his supporters stormed the Presidential Palace in the Green Zone and are threatening the U.S. Embassy. The situation is chaotic. There are some reports that the United States Embassy is being evacuated via helicopters. There is a contradictory report claiming the Americans are still hunkered down in the Embassy.

The Iraqi Government has imposed an immediate curfew in Baghdad. Remains to be seen if the Government has the ability to enforce it and quell the uprising. Mookie’s supporters claim they have seized 6 Government buildings in Baghdad. Sort of looks like a coup.

The Iraqi Government is firing tear gas at the Sadr supporters.  And it is not just smoke. You can hear gunfire as well.  Is this part of a new annual Biden event? You know, abandoning a U.S. outpost in the Middle East?




Patricia N.
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20 Million US Households BEHIND On Energy Bills: “Tsunami of Shutoffs” Incoming:

At least 20 million households (about 1 in 6 American homes) are behind on their power bills. Soaring electricity prices are going to spark what is said to be the worst-ever crisis in late utility payments and result in a “tsunami of shutoff” just as the colder months of winter approach.

According to a report by Bloomberg, which was citing data from the National Energy Assistance Directors Association (Neada). Neada said electricity prices had increased significantly since 2020 after a decade of stagnation. The steep rise has resulted in billions of dollars in overdue power bills.

Electricity inflation is being propelled by soaring costs of fossil fuels, such as natural gas, coal, and petroleum.

Patricia N.
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Musk: Without oil and gas, 'civilization will crumble':

Speaking at an energy conference in Stavanger, Norway, on August 29, Tesla CEO Elon Musk reiterated a claim that he made earlier this year: "I think we need to use oil and gas in the short term, because otherwise civilization will crumble."

Amid an energy crisis in Europe — which some anticipate will get much worse in the winter — high gas prices, and a grid rendered more unstable in the U.S. by reliance on so-called sustainable energy, Musk claimed that "we actually need more oil and gas, not less."

Though he indicated that "we have a clear path to a sustainable energy future," it is not a path that can be treaded quickly. Musk said the transition "will take some decades to complete."

Patricia N.
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Warning: Gates-Funded Factory Breeds 30 Million Mosquitoes a Week for Release in 11 Countries:

Billionaire Bill Gates, who is funding the project, “assures” us it’s not a scene from a horror movie.
Inside a two-story brick building in Medellín, Colombia, scientists work in muggy labs breeding 30 million genetically modified mosquitoes weekly in labs. They tend to the insects’ every need as they grow from larvae to pupae to adults, keeping the temperature just right and feeding them generous helpings of fishmeal, sugar, and, of course, blood. They are then released into the wild in 11 countries.

Billionaire Bill Gates, who is funding the project, assures us it’s not a scene from a horror movie. “The factory is real. And the mosquitoes that are released do not terrorize the locals. They help save and improve millions of lives.” Just as his ‘covid vaccines’ have ‘saved’ millions of lives or his’ previous vaccination projects have left thousands of women sterile in India and Kenya. Or even his Polio vaccines have caused paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions in Sub-Saharan Africa, Afghanistan, Congo, and the Philippines.

“The mosquitoes grown in this factory carry the Wolbachia bacterium, which prevents them from transmitting dengue and other viruses – including Zika, chikungunya, and yellow fever – to humans. By releasing them and breeding them with wild mosquitoes, they spread the bacteria, reducing virus transmission and protecting millions of people from disease,” claims Gates – just as his ‘covid vaccines’ have ‘reduced’ virus transmission and have ‘protected’ millions of people from disease.

Gates plans to breed hundreds of millions of Wolbachia mosquitoes. Did Gates and his researchers consider all the variables that are likely to occur with a program where a new vector of spreading a bacteria by an insect that bites humans and other animals and, in the process, injects that bacteria into them? Where is the one, two, five, and ten-year report on the safety of such a program from a controlled environment?

What could possibly go wrong?


Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

The armies of the US and South Korea today began the largest land exercise shared by the two armies in many years. The exercise was held less than 30 km from the tense border with the enemy from the north - and included live fire.

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