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Microsoft Patent #2020060606

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Tammie, can you explain how this is different from other vaccines? And why do you think they feel the need to make this vaccine co-exist within the body?

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A vaccine against a virus can only control the symptoms (HIV) of the virus. Medicine has NEVER created a “cure” for any virus. We have created symptom management treatments only. A virus is a protein molecule (RNA typically) that must hide itself in the host, taking on similarities of the host to survive. They are lying to the world. They are using this Virus to cover up the microdot ID2020. The enzyme is not a virus cure, it is part of the identification system / location tracker.

To be fair - I have no proof, just theory that this enzyme could be, let me repeat, could be .... part of the ability to change the focus of mankind on God. There is a strong theory (remember a theory is just a probability, does not have all the scientific proof)..... that the mark of the beast will also “change” human kind .... could explain the ability to follow AC blindly, believing a strong delusion. That is what makes this enzyme so scary, it is oxygen loving (double link), water repellent (shell), single chain (needs to change the host to exist) —- it has absolutely nothing to do with COVID.
BG is combining a variety of “things” together under the classification of vaccine. And the world is believing him, why is that? He is not a biochemist, he is not even a physician. Sure he surrounds himself with “experts” but this is nuts. He does know technology. A myth — or a concept to think about! An enzyme is designed via technology additives to live in a biological host without complications. This enzyme has a computer design that can be turned on or off at will, to turn on and destroy the host (death), affect the brain to do bidding, make the person sick, or stimulate the brain (super brain) to do well financially or whatever the need requires. I know that sounds very sci-fi but so did AI when we first learned of it and look at us now. How do you manipulate thousands of people into sheeple? They have a mark that also controls them. Just my opinion! But let me repeat this Luciferase enzyme has absolutely nothing to do with a cure for the Coronavirus, it can’t be cured, SARS 1 still does not have a cure, why would we believe they have a cure for SARS 2 (COVID).
Hope that helps! We just need to go! Gods timetable is at the door! :prayer-hands:

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Do you think the vaccine will make people grow and morph into giants?

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Naw, I think people might be sold a bill of goods in thinking it will give them powers and such .... Marvel comics or Ninja turtles, could be super Legos too! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: They might equate it to a Capt. America type of metamorphosis, but naw our bodies are very fine tuned to work within a certain biological perimeter, like NA has to remain between 135-145, too much the brain swells and you get wack-a-doodle, to little and same thing happens. This occurs with each electrolyte, a change in amounts creates changes in major organs; magnesium and potassium create cardiac changes., etc.... could the DNA be changed?? Never been done successfully, they have tried... but I think we are uniquely, fearfully and wonderfully made. Could do some brain enhancement, but it’s temp, chemically induced and short acting. So sad! We will be changed, we will see him as he is and in a moment, we will be like him ( now he could appear anywhere at anytime and obviously lift off) only God can truly changer his creation, but the AC always tries to mimic the creator... hasn’t got it right yet! B-)

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Very Good Thread.
Impressive, Tammie!!!
Overlapping and extra information from Steven Bennun.

The Master Plan

David W. Roche
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I wanted to check this one out, since I've been hearing a lot about it.  I'm not surprised that an attempt to "debunk" the claim would be attempted.  That doesn't mean I accept the accuracy of the debunking site.

Here is what can be verified:

Microsoft did file a patent application for "cryptocurrency system using body activity data" and was given the number W020200060606, but the application was actually filed in 2019 and does not mention implants, 5G or vaccines.

So does that settle the issue?  Well, you would hardly expect them to reveal outright whether the "sensor" is internal or external.  I'd say this one is highly suspicious and could very well lead to the mark in coming years.  And what in the world would an economic system "using body activity data" be about except total control of the individual?  You'd have to be dense as a brick to miss the connection with not being able to buy or sell without approval.

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So Ready, who is this guy, Stephen Ben-Nun, Not heard him before....course there are so many coming out now as well.  Looked up the Pharmaceutical company as I had not heard of them either. The opening page should send you to your knees to pray for our rapture...

“Messenger RNA, or mRNA, plays a fundamental role in human biology, transferring the instructions stored in DNA to make the proteins required in every living cell. <u><b>Our approach is to use mRNA medicines to instruct a patient’s own cells to produce proteins that could prevent, treat, or cure disease.”</b></u>

This means they implant to change DNA cells —- under the guise of prevent, treat, cure...add that to the enzyme mRNA Luciferenace

Looked up his claim of funding:

May 1, 2020
Moderna and Lonza Announce Worldwide Strategic Collaboration to Manufacture Moderna’s Vaccine (mRNA-1273) Against Novel Coronavirus

April 27, 2020
Moderna Announces IND Submitted to U.S. FDA for Phase 2 Study of mRNA Vaccine (mRNA-1273) Against Novel Coronavirus

April 23, 2020
Moderna to Report First Quarter 2020 Financial Results on Thursday, May 7th, 2020

April 16, 2020
Moderna Announces Award from U.S. Government Agency BARDA for up to $483 Million to Accelerate Development of mRNA Vaccine (mRNA-1273) Against Novel Coronavirus

Tried to find others investors and it is blocked as is the bulk of their research team. This is a research facility in its inception, their policy page shows that in the filing of research perimeters.

Being the science nerd that I am, I looked up more on our enzyme .. Volume 2016 |Article ID 9540975 | 13 pages |

Luciferase <b><u>mRNA</u></b> Transfection of Antigen Presenting Cells Permits Sensitive Nonradioactive Measurement of Cellular and Humoral Cytotoxicity —-
seems this particular enzyme holds the structure to in code and imprint into DNA as required without losing its efficiency.
Folks I knew was bad from the get go, but in reading the whole article published in 2016, this is truly bad and as mentioned, it’s a done deal, it already exists.

thank you for sharing!
lot of fairuse for educational purposes only. B-)  We are so outta here! :prayer-hands:

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Ok so this enzyme is looking to be the key component that BG is looking for to specify who has been tagged and who has not, it will be the great locator of humans during the tribulation — so best guess scenario - a part of the future mark of the beast folks will have to receive. It will be luminous so be shown to all.

Electroporation of <b>firefly luciferase IVT RNA</b> into DCs and K562-A2 cells is nontoxic and leads to strong and long-lasting gene expression without affecting target cell phenotype. (a) Optimised luc2 reporter vector: composed of a gene-optimized synthetic firefly luciferase reporter gene cloned in front of two human -globin

bottom line = it will last as a lite up firefly in whomever it is implanted in forever. Yes, it can change the host cell if given direction too! But it won’t change the nucleus of that DNA. This is phenomenally huge!

And as Mentioned, it’s already here! They just need the delivery system Gotta go folks! :prayer-hands:

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David —- bet they are working on or already have the delivery system between 140 & 145. I wonder if this is where CERN technology comes in to play. Located in Switzerland (guess who else now resides there), it is the largest Nuclear particle physics lab in the world and the statue of Shiva adorns the front entrance. They state they discovered the god particle. The electromagnetic super conductor is a small part of CERN.

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According to  ...

Last October, two months before the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 emerged in central China, a group of public-health experts gathered in New York City for a simulation. Their objective was to determine how industry, national governments, and international institutions could work together to respond to a hypothetical “pandemic with potentially catastrophic consequences.”

Such a pandemic is no longer just a hypothetical. This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it’s preparing for a coronavirus pandemic and the organization’s former director flatly declared that COVID-19 “will become a pandemic.”

The characteristics of the virus currently causing global havoc are remarkably similar to the one proposed in the simulation, dubbed “Event 201.” The simulated virus, called CAPS for Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome, began in Brazilian pigs who passed it to farmers. It resulted in symptoms ranging from mild flu-like symptoms to pneumonia. Three months in, the hypothetical illness had caused 30,000 illnesses and 2,000 deaths.

How did humankind fare in the simulation? Not well. The scenario ended after 18 months with 65 million people dead. The Event 201 website sums it up that state of the pandemic a year and a half in. 

The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80–90% of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease.
In the weeks after the emergence of the coronavirus in Wuhan, event organizers were forced to answer questions about whether they predicted the current pandemic, and contend with a few conspiracy theories.

The exercise was not a prediction, organizers insist. “We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 outbreak will kill 65 million people,” the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security said in a statement. “Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.”

Rather than serving as a predictive tool, organizers say the simulation was more about identifying opportunities to improve the response to a potential pandemic. To that end, they produced seven recommendations “to diminish the potential impact and consequences of pandemics.”

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