Anybody finding it hard to buy orange juice? Or is this just a Northeast problem? I was speaking to a grocery stocker yesterday and he said it’s going to be difficult to find O.J. in the near future as well as whip cream. I find that hard to believe for the whip cream since I live in cow country. I was at super Walmart and what is left is their brand “Great Value” … has anybody tried this and is it ok or did you get sick on it? It was only $1.68 😉 and now I have my doubts :scratch: … I didn’t read the label until just now … Product of Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico and U.S. filtered water OJ concentrate. The O.J. I normally buy is brand name ones - that say never from concentrate. Or is it best to stock up on the frozen orange juice and then add water? I can’t live without orange juice. We haven’t experienced an OJ shortage here but my stat borders Florida. If I were to stock up I’d buy the frozen concentrate. i used o.j. recently as a chaser for under the tongue black seed oil recommended by the flccc covid prevention protocol but i only use a fraction of recommended amount (i'm pretty sensitive to stuff)- bought it for father in law who refused it due to smell- it is truly awful- so is the taste, but the oj method works great, so i may see if our grocery store has the concentrated frozen stuff! Geri, the Walmart reviews on that juice show mostly positive, saying better than brand names and less expensive. A very few didn't like that it has filtered water, and felt it was watered down. A handful said check for date of expiration. I would use it except for the lack of stand up space in our fridge for tall bottled items. We do frozen. I think buying frozen to store up because you need it, but using the bottled as long as you find it is good. We've been doing grocery pickup for a long while, so haven't seen for ourselves, but Dan's son says Walmart and King Soopers shelves have dwindled. But that Safeway is still stocked if you have them back there. Every time we order, there is something Walmart is out of, but when it comes to no cream. milk and no butter for two weeks plus plus,....no words! Thank you, Kolleen .. good to know. I will try it. Since it doesn’t say made in China .. I will give it a shot. And will also concentrate on getting a few concentrated frozen O.J cans since I got a feeling its going to be high in demand soon when the regular brand name juice is not available. The nearest Safeway store is like 3 hrs away. Our only choices are Price Chopper, Shaws (which used to Grand Union) but is also affiliated with Stop n Shop, Hannaford, Aldi, and super Walmart. Most of the stores here got depleted the week of Thanksgiving … it was scary to see but I’m seeing most of the supplies back on the shelves again. See if Amazon has what you’re looking for. I know they sell orange juice. How does refrigerated food and freezer food stay frozen? I never see special refrigerated UPS or postal delivery trucks … and if the shipments are delayed won’t it spoil? B-) I was going to mention Amazon too. I don't care for them scooping up things I used to find locally, then charging higher prices, but they will likely have what you need if it can't be found otherwise. I always read the reviews, then decide. Insulated boxes with cold packs.