I think JD was being facetious, the fact that he has a history of teaching from Revelation and that he continued this update referencing Revelation should make it clear what his stance is. I personally do not agree with everything JD says, but he does not deter believers studying the Book of Revelation. I agree! I don’t agree with everything he says either, but he is a candid teacher and his humor never leaves him! The last 2 updates were tough ones, but spot on! He has to be affected in one way or another by all of this knowledge of evil! I applaud ?? him! I am glad he tells it like it is! Few do! And he encourages us to hold fast to our Blessed Hope! ????✨⚡️ Overall I like J.D. and his prophecy updates a lot. Especially during these past couple of years. The only time he ever rubbed me the wrong way was at ;east 10 years ago when I first started watching his prophecy updates and it seemed like in every message he would remind us Americans at how spoiled we are. And if I remember correctly he would always say "you Americans" like he wasn't including himself And I would always think to myself "Bro... Your the one living in Hawaii" lol Other than that back then after a short while it was like if you've seen one prophecy update you've seen them all so I stopped watching for years. Perhaps J.D. received a few critic emails or from personal talks and they were criticizing him for talking/teaching from the book of Revelation all the time? Hence his wisecrack response back? :unsure: Irony is … its the only book where a blessing is given to those who read it and believe it. Revelation 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. I just wish J.D. would get back on track and talk about Middle East prophecy since these are suppose to be a “Prophecy Update” and there sure is enough things going on to make up a full hour easy. And … to keep the Covid news in a separate update. I feel that way too! Often I don’t watch him for a good while! Here's what J.D was talking about when he started talking about Trump at around the 108:00 mark in that first longer link. Wasn't this video before Trump was actually president? If so, things could have changed since then because I know that Jack Hibbs was in some faith based group that counseled him while in office.....anyway I hope something has changed... Yes. Perhaps. But probably not. But God definitely used him to speed things up prophetically not slow them down as J.D. pointed out also.
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