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J. D. Farag's Bible Prophecy Update February 9th, 2020

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J. D. Farag's Bible Prophecy Update with Guest Speaker Barry Meguiar – February 9th, 2020


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Posts: 3142
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Joined: 6 years ago

Good update summing up the month of January!

How many of you recall J.D.’s first Bible Prophecy Updates back in 2006 that were only 5 - 10 minutes?  Was the original RITA board functioning at that time?

I didn’t start listening to J.D. until 2014.

I was a huge fan of Prophecy In the News with J.R. Church and Gary Stearman and would get their monthly prophecy magazines.  It was like Christmas every month ... waiting in anticipation for them to arrive.  I’ve saved them thinking I would refer back to them like some encyclopedia and now as I’m glancing at the covers ... they lost it’s wow factor since they are sooo old and prophecy is so much more advanced.  I mean I got articles about Yassar Arafat and Ariel Sharon.   I think its safe to toss these, eh? B-)
