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Patricia N.
Posts: 4304
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From Amir Tsarfati:

This is a satirical video on the pro-Hamas protestors on US campuses! So true….  This aired on an Israeli satire TV show:


Posts: 1718
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it's very good!

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Two Israeli border patrol police were wounded in a stabbing terror attack in the old city of Jerusalem. The terrorist was killed.
Tonight, the Shiite militias attacked two American bases using drones: in Al-Tanf in Syria and Ain Al-Asad in Iraq.  The attacks continue at a rate of 2-3 per day.
A special task force in the Mossad is now working on finding and killing the Hamas leadership that is abroad. This is similar to what we did to the Nazis and their collaborators as well as to the perpetrators of the 1972 Munich Olympic Games massacre.
Israeli soldier that came out of Gaza after a week there says in Hebrew to the Israeli people: “Please continue to pray for us. We see miracles there. Your prayers work!”
Northern Syria:   The American Tel Bider base is under attack now.  This is the sixth attack since this morning on American bases.
Even today, the IDF allowed the movement of civilians south from Gaza City on the Salah al-Din axis between the hours of ten and two.
Germany: The "Anne Frank" daycare center in the small town of Tangerhütte is soon to be renamed "Weltentdecker."  The wish to remove the name of Anne Frank came from the parents, says the head of the daycare center.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has ordered his officials to support the Palestinians and may consider selling weapons to armed groups in the Middle East, according to South Korean intelligence. (WSJ)
The photos of the abducted Israelis in Gaza are on the walls of Jerusalem.
Israelis are surprised at the size of the pro-Hamas rallies organized by loud minorities in America and the lack of a huge pro-Israel rally that will definitely represent the majority.
Can I suggest that someone should organize it? I will be there!

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Starts @ 1:50

Netanyahu says Israel will take over security in Gaza.  White House says, not a good idea.

- Fair Use -

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How would the White House know what a good idea is? Nothing but baboons running that joint! :wacko:

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Quit bragging on them, Yohanan!

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I should apologize to baboons :good:

Patricia N.
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‘Mainstream’ Journalists Relying on Terrorists for Accurate War Data:

The problem is that the media, without qualification or explanation, is quoting Hamas’ narrative on what is developing in Gaza.

According to an Investigative Project on Terrorism, one problem was with CNN.  That organization said, “As Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip entered its 17th day today, the death toll climbed to over 5,085, according to latest reports.”  But the “source” was the “Palestinian Information Centre,” which likely gets its messaging from Hamas.

Similar claims came from the Washington Post, CNBC, The Guardian, Euronews and the New York Times, the report said.

“It’s also worth noting that none of the [examples] remind readers about the general unreliability of information coming out of Gaza because it is so tightly controlled by a ruthless terrorist organization that swiftly prevents reporters from contradicting its narrative,” the report informed.

One recent example was Hamas’ swift claim of 500 dead from an explosion at a Gaza hospital.  Turns out it was a Hamas rocket, and it hit a parking lot, not the hospital.

But it was used by Hamas to “turn global public opinion against Israel,” the report said.  And Al Jazeera, Associated Press, and Time bought into the lie.

“None of these mentioned that the casualty count couldn’t be independently verified, or that initial death tolls reported from a war zone are notoriously unreliable – especially when coming from a cynical source like Hamas,” the analysis said.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

In John 16:33 Jesus said:
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
This world will soon be severely judged. In preparation for the war God will make, he will soon call back His ambassadors back home.
In John 14:1-4 Jesus promised:
“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
The Gazans are evacuating from north to south of the Strip, some with white flags. This is not how Hamas wanted things to go. Within a few days, the area will be clear of civilians and the job to destroy terrorists would be much easier!
Nescafe and Coca Cola were removed from the beverage menu of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, in order to protest their support of Israel.
The IDF is attacking in Lebanon in response to the missile fire.
The US House of Representatives condemns and censures Palestinian Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Talib "for promoting false narratives regarding the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, and for calling for the destruction of the State of Israel." The progressives are receiving severe blows, also in the Democratic Party. The results of the vote are read by the speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson - a great friend of Israel and a wonderful brother in the Lord.

Patricia N.
Posts: 4304
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