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Lisa Watchwoman65  said she just cut ties with Hal Turner yesterday. :whistle:   She told him to cancel her membership for his daily “news” updates because she sees he is anti Semitic and for the Palestinian cause.  As a believer she couldn’t support someone who hates the Jews.  God blesses those who honor and are kind to the Jews and He will curse those who are not.  So there is no grey areas now … we are seeing the true character of how many people feel in their heart …  those that love God’s chosen people will be doing this …

Matt 25

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

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I feel I'm seeing that Natural News, as far as their News, is also leaning anti-Israel!! 🙁 :negative:

My brother-in-law is a non-practicing Jew. And their son and wife are visiting in Australia for 5 weeks. I understand that a Jewish person may not look Jewish, but that their last names can give them away. Just praying Gods protections for all Jewish people - and all people in general. :heart: The devil is walking this earth seeking who he may devour these days! We need the Lords daily wisdom for these days! :bible




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Per the protestors, President Trump has said that sort of thing he will deal with if he becomes president. I've seen some headlines resisting protestor activities, including coming against colleges that are training America's kids to join anti-American groups and cause havoc in times like these. Top Lawyers have also put "lawyers in training" on notice, saying, if you want jobs, you'd best give up your woke anti-American ways! At least there is push-back rising to these destructive groups. Standing and occupying till He calls us up!



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Personally, I do not care for Hal Turner nor Mike Adams. I think they are both sensationalists and fear mongers and I find that virtually nothing they predict comes true unless it is common knowledge but even the MSM gets that right on occasion. Just my opinion. ymmv

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Natural News - the site - was a go-to for years now for natural health tips etc. I appreciate them immensely for that wealth of information. I'm not sure they had "world news" going on back then. I will weigh other news against their news. I'm just greatly disappointed that Adams is taking an anti-Jewish stance! But I'll still weigh the news he puts out, and it's still a go-to for me for health tips. 🙂




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I can't comment on any of the other aspects of Adam's website. Only the news section. In today's world of news there are so many people reporting on it unlike the old days when there were only three on tv plus radio and paper, but they all pretty much lined up back then. Today, with all of the competition, in order to get people's viewership many have resorted to more sensationalized reporting. That is the aspect I do not care for. And unfortunately most "news" outlets are doing this.

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Right, it's time consuming to get the bottom line truth of the matter on day to day news, for sure. They make us work for it! :amen:



Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Fact: Israel could wipe out Hamas & Gaza from the air without losing a single soldier.

Fact: Israel has soldiers on the ground losing lives in order to protect the civilians in Gaza from consequences caused by Hamas.

Fact: Media and terrorist supporters ignore facts 1&2 above.
Americans are not being told the truth - your bases and your soldiers are being attacked a few times a day by Iranian proxies! Iran is at war with America. You have aircraft carriers and B-1 bombers nearby yet they attack you non-stop without any response!
A 30-year-old Jewish woman has been found stabbed in her apartment in Lyon, France.  The attacker drew a swastika on her door and is still on the loose.
London, a war zone. In the coming days, the Palestinians in London intend to intensify the disturbances and rampage in the streets. Jews are afraid to leave their homes, Israelis are no longer ready to fly to Britain.
Palestinian riots intensify, Trafalgar Square, London, from now on. The police use rubber bullets and tear gas.
Jews must leave Europe as soon as possible!
And if you’re asking why there are so many people around the hospital it’s very simple - Hamas asked them to be there as human shields. The leaders are in their tunnels right under the hospital.

Patricia N.
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Algeria Votes to Go to War with Israel:

ALBAWABA- In a significant move, the Algerian Parliament has officially authorized President Abdelmadjid Tebboune to enter the conflict in support of Gaza, with a unanimous vote of 100/100.

This decision comes in response to the escalating Israeli massacres against the Palestinian population in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Algeria becomes the second Arab nation to declare official support for Palestine and to confront Israel.

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We know who the “father of lies” is. So many are deceived by him. Anything or anybody good is being vilified with such ferocity. Hell seems to be breaking loose everywhere. So many are jumping on board against the ONLY truly representative government that I’m aware of in the Middle East. President Trump was persecuted for a decent political platform, and Israel is facing the same injustices. Facts don’t matter. Evil powers and principalities are driving this outrageous behavior and so many are only too willing to get on board. I don’t see this madness abating. The Church must be on its way up so God can deal with Israel. It must be near. Come Lord Jesus.

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