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There is a summit in NY this week with the “Stan” nations … Biden is trying to put pressure on them to not side with Russia … well we know that will not happen or it backfires … because they do align themselves up with Russia for the  Gog/Magog attack.

Per Lisa starts @ 2:42

“Sleepy” will meet with Russia’s Defense Treaty Allies, trying to steer them to the side of the U.S.


In the Comment Section:

This cracked me up

For goodness sake. He couldn't negotiate his way out of a cardboard box.

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Another thought here on this putting pressure on all the “Stan” nations to betray Russia and side with the U.S.  Bibi plans to be in NY for this summit this week.  Perhaps they will trick Bibi into agreeing with him … and he and Israel feel secure and especially when Saudi signs the peace agreement … they will think all is well … then after the rapture …. BAM the Gog / Magog attack happens?

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A Cornerstone in Zion

Isaiah 28:14-19 BSB

Therefore hear the word of the LORD, O scoffers who rule this people in Jerusalem. For you said, “We have made a covenant with death; we have fashioned an agreement with Sheol. When the overwhelming scourge passes through it will not touch us, because we have made lies our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.”

So this is what the Lord GOD says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; the one who believes will never be shaken. I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the level. Hail will sweep away your refuge of lies, and water will flood your hiding place.

Your covenant with death will be dissolved, and your agreement with Sheol will not stand. When the overwhelming scourge passes through, you will be trampled by it. As often as it passes through, it will carry you away; it will sweep through morning after morning, by day and by night.” The understanding of this message will bring sheer terror.


Patricia N.
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Shameful: UNESCO classifies ancient Jericho as 'Palestinian heritage site':

The UNESCO member states decided that the tel will be considered a "Palestinian world heritage site." The decision was made in a vote that took place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The UN clarified that there are Jewish and Christian sites near the site that are not included in the list - but there is a value to protect them.

Tel a-Sultan, also known as Tel Jericho, is the central tel in the city. It sits at 21 meters above its surroundings and is 40 dunams wide. It includes many archaeological findings, including the round tower of Jericho, which is 8.50 meters wide, and what remains of it is 7.70 meters tall. The first settlement of the tel is estimated to be in 9500 BCE.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry was infuriated by the decision, which, according to them, was made despite the many true efforts by UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, and stated that they "see the decision as another sign of the Palestinians' cynical use of UNESCO and the politicization of the organization. Israel will work with its many allies in the organization to change the distorted decisions that were made."

Patricia N.
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Saudi Arabia halts talks on peace deal with Israel:

Saudi-owned outlet attributes Riyadh’s withdrawal to Netanyahu government’s “extremist” stance towards Palestinians.

By World Israel News Staff
In a significant setback to normalizing ties between Saudi Arabia and Israel, the government in Riyadh has reportedly informed the Biden administration that it was suspending all related discussions, an Israeli official from the Prime Minister’s Office revealed to the London-based Saudi news outlet Elaph on Sunday.

The Arab news medium, which is viewed by many as a public broadcaster for Jerusalem and Riyadh, cited the anonymous official as blaming Israel’s “extremist” government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Saudi Arabia also expressed concerns that the current Israeli government is obstructing a peace process with the Palestinians.

According to the report, Israel was “confused” by the move, after expressing that a normalization deal with Saudi Arabia would not be contingent on resolving the Palestinian question.

Patricia N.
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First-ever ‘National Prayer For Life’ event in Israel to protect unborn babies to be held this Friday:

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – One of the most heartbreaking things that Lynn and I have discovered since we began visiting Israel as a family in 2003, and then became Israeli citizens in 2014, is just how widely accepted abortion is as a form of birth control.  And the number of unborn babies that have been murdered here over the past 75 years.

Abortion was first legalized by the Knesset – Israel’s parliament – in 1977.  However, illegal abortions have been performed in Israel since the foundation of the state.

Conservative estimates indicate that at least 800,000 abortions have taken place in Israel since 1948.  Other estimates put the number at 2 million or more.

Today, however, I want to report some good news.  On Friday, Evangelical and Messianic Jewish leaders of Israel’s small but important pro-life movement are gathering in central Israel to pray for the unborn.  They are calling on Israeli pastors, ministry leaders and lay people to join them.

While there have been smaller pro-life prayer gatherings over the years, organizers are describing this as the first-ever “National Prayer for Life” event to pray for the unborn, as well as for the communities surrounding them.

What’s more, they are urging churches and congregations – both Jewish and Arab – to pray for the 10 days leading up to Yom Kippur, for the Lord to protect unborn children and to change the hearts of Israeli leaders – and the broader Israeli society – to create a culture honoring the sanctity of life, beginning at conception.


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Actually the article of “Saudi Arabia suspends peace talk” is fake news ….  Lisa WW65 did a YouTube  2 days ago and read it and said “this sounds fake”  and sure enough she mentioned yesterday it wasn’t true and a hoax.


The peace talks are really happening … Per Times of Israel and EEAS Europe.EU news …


Starts @ 1:40

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Hoo, boy, we're in a heap of trouble boys.  And girls.

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Sad news for the left behind … but … man oh man this means our Blessed Hope one way ticket Flight to sweet Beulah Land is on the horizon for us!!! :yahoo:

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Lisa  Watchwoman65  did an update …

She said tomorrow Bibi will be in the meeting talks.


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