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Irrefutable proof from 2017 that it's a Planned-Demic

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Leaving Soon
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I think the source is that first video below it starting at the :21 mark

And I should have put a "?" after "Proof it goes with 5G" But at this point it doesn't matter if that particular picture or video is a sham. We know it's all connected and  planned for humanity's detriment.

I've been hearing that when they crank 5G all the way up it makes people with C-19 drop dead like it supposedly did Wuhan and Italy when they were first testing it out.

Leaving Soon
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Taken down by YT (Not surprised) Here's another link...

Leaving Soon
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Well that link I posted above this isn't right but this one is...



Leaving Soon
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Bizarre EU Funded Comic Book Predicted Pandemic, With Globalists As Saviours

Leaving Soon
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More in your face stuff

And if you turn a $20 bill from the 90's upside down Andrew Jackson looks like a man wearing a mask.

Just skip to the 11:30 mark in this video below


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That bat theme, Leaving Soon, suggests there's millions hanging around asleep and in the dark. :whistle: :yes:   We fly at twilight!!  Okay?  Looks like this might be the final quarter.  :yahoo:

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Bumping !!!

Blue mentioned today 11/3 thru Friday 11/5 is high watch time and mentioned this old 2015 Economist magazine cover … :popcorn

Check out the arrows at Alice in Wonderland’s feet … it was always a mystery of what these numbers meant … 11.5 and 11.3 with a pile of dust … will the rapture happen in this timeframe or is the deep state planning something … nuke strike or mega earthquakes?  Or Damascus’ destruction? :unsure:

Leaving Soon
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Probably a stretch but I was just watching this video below talking about 5 - 11 y/o's getting the jab in Israel. So the one arrow (needle) says 11/5 s0 maybe it means 11 - 5 y/o's getting the jab. Oh plus it is at the feet of a little child.

Also on the cover it says the magazine cost 11.95 9 + 5 = 16 so maybe that is a clue for 11/16

Which is interesting to me because the last day of tabernacles in 2028 is October 11th 2028 and minus 2520 days and you get November 17th 2021 as my last Tribulation start date for this year so maybe Rapture on th 16th and Tribulation on the 17th.

Have you noticed anything else lately pointing to a Nov. 16th Rapture or 17th Trib I know the flood started on the 17th day of a month but that is on a different calendar.

Lee Giblin
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Sorry Leaving Soon, I don't have anything for the 16th or 17th.  My next dates are:  11/20  Noah Ark rested and
11/21 Feast of Christ the King on the liturgical calendar.


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