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Hello from ReadyOrNot and what's the general feeling?

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You brought up some good points Benjamin.  I couldn’t help but think back in the timeline of events that made my saved parents/grandparents pause and take notice that the rapture was close during their lifespan.

In the mid 1970’s we took day trips to the Jersey Shore and instead of a small plastic pin that you attached to your swim suit to show proof you paid for the day on the beach, they started to stamp your hand and it was only visible under the lamp at the booth.  They required “your right hand” and I recall my grandmother’s eyes getting big and she whispered “oooh we are so close to the mark of the beast system”.  She asked the attendant “what if a person didn’t have any hands?” The attendant replied “then we stamp the forehead”.

Then when the stores switched over all their goods to bar codes and scanners were used by the cashiers, my parents said “‘oh we are getting closer to the beast system”.

Then in the early 1990’s the gulf war happened and Saddam Hussein vowed he was rebuilding Babylon, my church got excited and thought the rapture was right at the door.

Then in Sunday School class in the mid 1990’s we were studying the book of Ezekiel and our teacher who is a Bible scholar had to apologize many times because he couldn’t understand certain prophetic things and would often say “lets just read this verse and believe somehow this is going to come to pass”.

Then it was Dec 1999 and everyone was fearful of Y2K and the computers crashing and thinking perhaps the rapture was near.

Then it was becoming popular for every household to have a home computer and the various commercials on tv had stores advertising their website to make purchases (overstock.com, etc.). We thought that is crazy to buy from the web without touching or trying on the product first let alone have it delivered right to your doorstep.

Then the cell phone became a must have.

My grandparents, parents, aunt, etc. including that Bible teacher are all in heaven right now ...  if they only saw what we are seeing unfolding right now at breakneck speed including the A.I. robots ... they would be so amazed.  The fact that China now has an A.I. news anchor ... tells us the technology is now ready for the AC to put his facial image on.  I can now see these robots placed in every city worldwide and the left behind will be clueless if this is a robot or really him as they worship this talking robot.

The A.I. Technology is the icing on the cake that we know we are in the final days before the church age ends! :yahoo:

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Hi Geri7, I read an article recently that claims "digisexuals" in four countries, Britain, Japan, Russia and the US are clamoring for human rights under the UN. What?!?! Another article stated that by 2025 more woman would be intimately involved with robots than men and that by 2050 more people will be having "intimate relations" with robots than with other humans. The fact that people are already engaged in this is shocking to me but it also tells me how close we are to being out of here and how readily they will accept what the AC will tell them.

Jane Walters
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MARINATHA!  I agree with what I'm reading here.  I keep thinking April of this year.  How many times have we heard "peace and security" actually said.  The enemy has come out full force, in your face insults to Israel and turning away from Israel while the prophesied enemies of Israel are right on her border.  I can't see things moving on much further in this situation.  The rapture is at the door. :yahoo:

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Hi Yohanan, :bye:

Oh boy ... this world is one sick place ... reminds me of the warning in the last days ...  the unsaved will have a  “reprobate mind” and be “inventors of evil things” another BIG sign to look up for the Trumpet call :yes:


Romans 1

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,


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You bring up a good point with “inventors of evil things”. I always took that to mean derivatives of the same old evil but this truly is inventing new ways of evil! As Jack Kelley of Grace Thru Faith use to say when he was still with us say, "If you listen closely you can almost hear the footsteps of the Messiah"

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Woohoo ... yes ... pretty soon Jesus will be stepping out on the clouds to call us home to glory!   What a fabulous day that will be ... Face to Face we shall behold Him!

Beautiful pictures, Kolleen :good:

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One of the biggest things I see is Hollywood.

They aren't even watering down things anymore. the violence is real and graphic. children are more and more possessed and the monster in the movies. and a huge one I really notice is the monster phase. Vampires were huge during the time of interview with a vampire and twilight, then onward to the zombie craze..... which is dying out, now is the rise of witches and warlocks. Magic this, super powers and spells that. Every kid wants to be a witch or be like Harry Potter.

I've also noticed how all the larger than life type monsters are all called "Titans" and how they are returning out of the pits of the earth to save the world.

And then there's the weather...….. That's a whole 'nother story

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Then there is the reality side of it which is stranger than the movies, if that were possible. There is scheduled to be a "christain" witches convention in Salem, Massachusetts, this April

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No Fruit for Eve,

Here are my thoughts on the solar eclipse.

It says in the book of Genesis that God uses the sun and the moon for "signs and seasons" I think seasons in the original language means "appointed times"

My feeling is that on August 17, 2017 (when the eclipse was seen on the east coast), God gave the US a final 7-year window to repent. If it doesn't happen, he will mark the US with a giant "X".  I think it means judgment.

I have been doing research on mystery Babylon and I am convinced it is the US. Terry James from Rapture Ready wrote in his last book "Essays on the Apocalypse" his reasons for believing that mystery Babylon might be the US ( I haven't read the book, I just heard about it)

Revelation 17/18 talks about the judgment of mystery Babylon. I emailed Terry asking him when Rev. 17/18 takes place and he emailed me back saying that is shortly after the middle of the tribulation.

so if putting an "X" over the country on Aug. 17, 2024 means judgment. That could mean August 2024 is going to be roughly the middle of the tribulation.

These are just my thoughts.




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