Hello siblings, a friend just sent me a video called: deliverance: closing demonic doorways. I have to listen to it tomorrow. However, I noticed they had this link: www.swatprayer.com. (spiritual warfare attack team) I just went to the website, I think you have to enter your city and get connected with other prayer warriors. The only place in Canada is Vancouver so I will get back online and see if I can connect with someone tomorrow. A word of caution- I went to the site and located a Prayer team in my area - not exactly holding to the same doctrines of the faith as myself. Yours may be different. As a family, RITAN offers the chance to prayer as believers looking for the blessed hope. Maybe we just need to be more interactive on this site, just a thought. :feedback Heidi, I see nothing wrong with following through if you have peace with doing so, to join this SWAT prayer group. I have inquired for my area also. I am familiar and comfortable with their manner of prayer, though the way they pray may not be a fit for everyone. But so far I see no reason to not pursue it. :bible Tammie, thank you for the caution. You are right: we have a family here on RITAN and we need to be more active and support each other on this site. Kolleen, thank you. Just to check them out. Thank you for checking them out for me Kolleen. That was nice of you. Yay! I was reading an article on Rapture Ready and it turns out that the writer is from a church next to Toronto. He invited me to come to their church this Sunday. I told him I am coming. I just sent him an email asking him if he is the pastor or a member.
let me know what you think
Are you already a part of a group or did you just check them out?
That's exciting. somebody from Rapture Ready so close by
June 3, 2019 6:38 pm
6 Replies
June 4, 2019 1:31 pm
June 4, 2019 4:10 pm
June 5, 2019 7:03 am
June 5, 2019 2:44 pm
June 6, 2019 5:06 am
June 6, 2019 6:42 am