Happy Passover!
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Happy Passover!

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Arthur, 🙂 my comment was not to stop the thread from continuing, but to say those points Quoted from your article above, were good I think, to settle on for us all, so that no pressure is felt from either side. And this:

Christians are no longer bound to observe the Passover feast the way the Old Testament Jews were, but they should not look down upon another believer who does or does not observe the Passover or other special Jewish days and feasts (Romans 14:5).


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I always have mixed feelings when posting a thread like this.

On one hand I am just trying to put some information out there that some will hopefully find edifying, on the other hand there is always the risk of causing a schism or division in the body which I never want to initiate.

Healthy discussion is good though and, I thank the mods for keeping things civil.  We often cite the scripture “iron sharpens iron” but too often we do not realize that this process of iron sharpening iron means a little heat and friction!

As long as we can learn from each other respectfully and in love, I think its all good, but we also must always remember the Lord’s warning about those waiting  on Him who began to beat on their fellow servants - we never want to be that, and I did not see any of that here, just heathy debate that we can all learn and grow from.

So a big thank you to everyone who put their 2 cents or 2 shekels in on this one, much love to everybody!

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I actually did learn some new “things” as you and Arthur brought this behind the scenes practice to our attention and I was able to investigate it more :mail: .

I believe we were all pretty civil about it to as we got our views across.   B-)

This is for you  Derrick :stinkerbell:     and     Arthur :stinkerbell:

just kidding :rose:        just kidding :rose:

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I’m glad it was edifying in some way, and gave you a couple new perspectives and don’t ever worry about holding me to account if you interpret a scripture a different way than I do, that’s how we all learn together, iron sharpening iron.

I am lucky in that my mom was Italian, and the funny thing about her side of the family is that they would disagree and yell and scream at each other and you would really think it was gonna end with someone getting a blood nose - I don’t know if you have ever seen an Italian family fight like this - but then 30 minutes later everyone was laughing and loving on each other again.  Amazing.  I kind of like that.   I’ve tried to bring that into my Christian family too, never get mad at anybody, but more importantly never stay mad at anybody but be quick to default to love. 1 Corinthians 13 is one of my favorite chapters and helps keep my life on the right course.

Love ya sis and all y’all on here!

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:bye:  oooh oooh I’m Italian too.  I was little at the time but I witnessed some heated arguments between my grandfather and his brother-in-law.  Both are Tony’s … and the grown ups would be playing a card game called “PIG”.   The object was when you get 4-of-a-kind, you must not say anything and put your finger to your nose. The others must then put the fingers to their noses also. The last player to touch their nose is declared a "Pig" and leaves the game.  Well my grandfather hated to be teased and his brother-in-law was forever agitating him.  Tony would put his finger to his nose and then my grandfather would quickly do so too and then find out Tony just … “had an itch”.  Then the next time … he did it again and pretended to wipe off some sweat … and said “is it hot in here”?  He kept doing it until my grandfather finally exploded and started yelling at him.  Meanwhile the ladies were trying to calm the 2 senior men down.  It got to the point where one of them ended up going home early.  Then next week everyone gathered again and the ladies would remind them this is “just” a fun card game be nice.  But it happened once more.  Irony is both of them eventually got saved so they are up in heaven.  So I wonder if they will finally get along if they play cards? B-)


I have a question  … I saw this posted on the RITA facebook side:

Is it true Israel only has 2 seasons - summer and winter?

October to April is cool season
May to September is hot season


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So I guess that makes us “paisonos” lol! That’s too funny - I don’t remember my relatives playing “PIG” but they did have some heated card games that always got somebody mad at another!  I miss those old timers, that whole generation is gone for me for many years now, can’t wait to sit down at the card table with them in the kingdom!

As far as the Winter/Summer thing - I can’t claim to be the authority on that, but I do believe that they pretty much lump everything into those two seasons over there.   I think it’s based because Biblically only two seasons are described as: ““While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.””
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭8:22‬ ‭

Although I am sure they have some transitions in Spring and Fall.  Here lately even where I live in Tennessee there seems to be less and less Spring and Fall, it seems like lately its cold and then the “switch” flips and it gets hot and summer is here, then the same in the fall, one day its warm and then the “switch” flips again and winter sets in.  Maybe I just remember it differently as a kid, but it seems like Spring and Fall were more of a gradual transition and decidedly longer years ago.  The weather has been just getting downright weird the past few years - not so much climate change or global warming, but probably birth pains from my perspective.

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I live in Tennessee

Are you a Vol?


Is it true Israel only has 2 seasons – summer and winter?

Southern California only has two seasons, Summer and fire season, also known as winter ?

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Yohanon, I have been been living for the past 12 years in the heart of Vandy country here in the middle, but I will always be big orange through and through lol.  My younger brother who has lived in Florida since the mid 90s also is a big Vol fan and goes to all the Fla Gator games dressed in his big orange - you can imagine what a popular guy that makes him! LOLOL

Patricia N.
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I think Israel and California have similar climates, both Mediterranean.  I saw a lot of the same plants growing in Israel like olive trees, oleander, various flowers, etc.

CA mostly does have just summer (fire season) and winter (when we get all of our rain).  It normally does not rain a drop from May through October.  The grass all dries out on the hills.  So, we have a lot of droughts.  The Israelis desalinize water which CA should do but, of course, it's expensive so we just have to keep cutting back on water usage.

This year has been windier than any time I remember previously.  And, high wind is a recipe for fires.  The winds bring down the electric lines and result in raging blazes.  Our utility, Pacific Gas and Electric, is being sued for several infernos last year.  It would be better in my opinion to bury the lines, but again, that would cost a fortune.

Meanwhile, it is springtime here--allergy season.  But, it could be worse; I saw on the news that where my family lives in Pennsylvania, they are getting six to ten inches of snow.

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ugggh! I just noticed I spelled your name wrong again!  When I wrote this post I noticed my auto correct was trying to default to “Yochanon” so I took the “C” out, but just now noticed that I have to take the “o” out between the two “n”s and put an “a” in there - I’ll get it right one of these days brother, sorry, auto correct has not been making it easy on me lol!

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