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Getting Your Hopes Up About Feast of Trumpets

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Getting Your Hopes Up About Feast of Trumpets

Heather R

Sep 3, 2021

“Fair Use For Education and Discussion Purposes”

Loz :]

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But, if John is a picture of the rapture and he is taken to heaven and after he is there, he is witness to the search for anyone worthy to open the scrolls and no one is worthy except Jesus. Then Jesus takes the scrolls and to open them, isn't that a gap between the rapture and the start of the tribulation? Also, If there were no gap between the rapture and the start of the tribulation, that would mean the antichrist would have to be on the scene and in a position to enforce the peace treaty with Israel because that is the start on the tribulation and I can't see that happening the same day of the rapture.

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All I would suggest is that it's pretty certain the AC is on the scene now, and that he does not get revealed as such until he desecrates the third temple declaring himself as God.

Also God is outside of the time He created. Smile

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No worries … I’m a Shemetah fan

1938 - 1945  WW2

1945 - 1952   Rebirth of Israel


When the clock started the countdown

1st  7 complete years of Israel rebirth  1952 - 1959

2nd 7 years   1959 - 1966

3rd  7 years   1966 - 1973 (6 day war)

4th   7 years   1973 - 1980

5th    7 years   1980 - 1987

6th    7 years   1987 - 1994 (President G.H.W. Bush  on 9/11/1990 speech NWO)

7th    7 years   1994 - 2001 (World Trade Towers crashed … NWO rising 1 tower)

8th    7 years   2001 - 2008 (Stock Market crashed)

9th    7 years    2008 - 2015

10th   7 year     2015 - 2022

These 10 sets of 7 =  70 years

We are in the transition period right now 2021 - 2022 … the rapture is going to occur soon soon soon whether it happens on this FOT or days or a few months later … no worries.  Tribulation hast to start in the fall of 2022 to keep the 7 year Shemetah pattern going … :good:    According to Israel365news … Iran is now near the Golan Heights … preparing their attack on Israel … The church hast to leave soon soon soon.

11th   7 year cycle   2022 - 2029  Tribulation period begins

(11 means rebellion, judgment)


12th  7 year  cycle    2029 - 2036  First 7 years into the millennium

(12 means perfect government or rule)

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The covenant is not a peace treaty. If it was, it would broken when Seal 2 is opened right at the start of the Week. The covenant is merely a restoration to the Mosaic law. That's how and why the temple factors in.


As for the perceived "gap" while there's a search in the throneroom for someone worthy. That can be interpreted as a three second conversation just as it's written.  There doesn't need to be time involved in between Rev 4-5 and Rev 6. To be honest, the events described in Rev 6's first 4-5 Seals can be viewed as ramifications of the rapture and the massive disruption that will cause to the world.

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This discusses the whole of Daniel 9.

David W. Roche
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I thought I'd weigh in with a few observations: First, Heather has every right to express her view about the rapture and the Tribulation running from spring to spring. She has written about that position on a number of occasions and set out her case for it. I personally favor the fall season for the beginning and ending of the Tribulation, based upon Zechariah 12:10-14 and Matthew 24:30-31. It just looks clear to me that the Great Trump for the Second Coming sounds during the fall feasts. However, it is not something I wish to be dogmatic about, nor to insist it is a settled issue.

The rapture does not necessarily have to happen on the Feast of Trumpets, I will gladly concede. If there is no "transition period," and the Tribulation begins on the exact day the rapture occurs, then you would still have to back up 2,520 days from the time of the Second Coming to arrive at a rapture date. That leaves a window of about 35 days after the Feast of Trumpets when we could be caught up.

Every year, when the fall season passes, I feel at little frustrated at the thought that we might have to wait until the next round of fall feasts to watch. It seems unwise to have God put in a box as to when Jesus is "allowed" to return, whether we think it's more likely during one season or the other. Yet, if we are convinced that the Tribulation MUST occur at a set time, then the only alternative is to consider there might be an interval of some duration between the rapture and the Tribulation. It's a valid point to ask what is to be done with those who come to God after the rapture and before the Tribulation kicks off. That is a puzzle, should things happen that way. Alternatively, some have pointed out that there is a great deal to get done if everything has to happen on day one, and a more natural flow of events would be to have a period (perhaps a brief one) for things to get lined up.

At this point, I simply don't know, and neither does anyone else. It's all speculation on this side of the event.

There is a good bit I can agree with Heather on in her video. I do think it's equally risky to adopt the position that Jesus will NOT be coming back on any given day, since He said to watch always.

I don't look at it as "getting my hopes up" to view the Feast of Trumpets, or the general time frame of September/October as a possibility for the rapture to take place. If it passes, I'll keep watching just the same, since it is a given that my knowledge is limited on the matter, and God will do as He pleases.

It should be stated that nothing else has to happen (from our perspective) before the Lord returns for us.

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I understand the differences of opinion which is why I don't post here anymore. The 70th Week prophecy is a detailed accounting of the specific box God created for the timing of it all. I don't think we need to look at it as God limiting Christ. I think we need to look at it as God telling us when to expect His plans to unfold. That's just my take. It's just a different perspective. He has been incredibly precise and specific with everything else. It would be against His nature to not be so in that case.

See ya later. You guys can catch me on YT or academia. :bye:

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Regarding Zechariah 12:10-14 and Matthew 24:30-31, David, what about those two passages suggest Fall to you?  Zechariah 12:10-14 discusses families in Israel mourning over Him whom they have pierced.  I don't see Fall.  And, just a thought of mine, proving nothing maybe, is that He was pierced on Nisan 14, Passover.

Also following Matthew 24:30-31, the next two verses continue, "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors."  That sounds more like Spring.

Just sayin' / askin'...

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I see a Imminent Rapture as the best possible solution! Matthew 24 relates to the Jews and the Tribulation! Is it relating to the second coming? Not sure. If it relates to the Generation of the Jews, that’s this might relate to the second coming! I have been listening to Andy Woods and are making this distinction because of the Jews as the audience here and Jesus is relating the events of the Tribulation to them. As the Prophet to the Jews. Just thinking out loud! ?

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