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Lee Giblin
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Speaking of coffee,  we all need to plan for a water supply and filters.   In CT we had lots of winter power failures, the worse was 2 weeks during a blizzard.  We had wood stove in basement that kept the small house cozy, our well water didn't need a pump, and we used the snow to store the refrigerator stuff.  Used propane camp gear for cooking, lighting, etc.  In the last 10 years in SC only had 2 power outages during hurricanes for less than a day.

So know where the nearest spring, river, or lake are near you with a way to carry it.  A wheelbarrow, cart, wagon and buckets to haul it and quality filters.   Here I've stored bottles of water and have a slimy pond down the road.

Everyone stay safe and prep for those left behind - along with letters and Bible tracts.

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Oh what a good idea.....if only!!! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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That's too much to try to cope with.  Let's just go, shall we?

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Lol! Yes!

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I just saw this posted

This is coming as HUGE numbers of people are being diagnosed with extremely agressive cancers via jabs... De-pop agenda in full swing.

American Cancer Society: ‘Treating Patients Is Harming the Planet – They Should Be Left To Die’ 😳

Per the peoples

- Fair Use -


But the agressive cancers could ALSO  be coming from people eating the fake “plant base”lab meat … impossible burgers to whatever its called.  I saw a youtube the other day on the dangers …. they captured the cancer cells of this one lady who died from agressive cancer … she was diagnose and died in a few months time … no treatment could stop it. They are now injecting “her cells” into the fake lab foods 🥲 and many are clueless of the dangers.

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Geri — bet it is funded by B. Gates — to decrease the surplus population …. Cry —so sad their evil minds. Medicine is not taught to just let people die — one of the things I battled when working with palliative care — the goal was to not keep folks alive forever on a ventilator or continue aggressive care that was futile, but this hits a whole new level — injecting people with disease is or at least was against the law …. Anybody remember the case a few decades ago when it was proven that a HIV positive man was deliberately infecting folks? So sad the depravity of man….. Come Lord Jesus! :prayer-hands:

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Tammie, you probably already know this but I was just reading an article about tomato plants and it can be difficult to see hornworms on your plants. Apparently they glow in the dark under a black light! 😳 I’m going to try it tonight. 😎

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Yes sir I am very familiar with those pests. One year I bought a bag of 1000 ladybugs for $10.00 — they eat the critters. I pick them off when I find them and smash them — they are useless pests and with 22 tomato plants I watch closely for those and spider mites (you have to jet spray those off)….  Lady bugs are my friends. — I also try to find and keep preying mantis — they eat everything that is a pest (the female even eats their mate)  :mdrmdr: —sorry that was gross :wacko:   I am not sure about the glow in the dark thing as I look and kill them asap! Funny thing is our German Shepard will case and eat bees but not those pesky worms …. She just runs away…

Many plants — like dill and lemon balm will ward them off — I plant a lot of geraniums — 1 for every 2 tomato plants and in the pepper bed and in the cucumber bed, etc…. :calvin

Paul R
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I wish we could buy ladybugs here in SA (we call them ladybirds). The latest thing with farmers and gardeners in my neck of the woods is bat boxes. People put these boxes up to encourage bats to colonize them. Apparently they eat tons of harmful flying insects every year.

I didn't know you get praying mantises in the States. I actually saw a female feasting on a male after mating in my garden the other day. Talk about a femme fatale! The poor male obviously hadn't read Proverbs 7!

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Talk about a femme fatale! The poor male obviously hadn’t read Proverbs 7!

:mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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