Five Doves December 31st, 2023 Letters. Thank you bgkimbr foir posting the link. Thanks. Five Doves by KS Rajan: Hamas Supporters Return to Ground Zero to Promote Terror After attacking Christmas Tree lightings, churches, synagogues, a Holocaust museum and airports, the Hamas mob returned to where they were always going to go. Only a nation that had completely forgotten and lost touch with the recent past could allow this abomination to take place. The two Islamic terror attacks on the World Trade Center were obsessed with the idea of bringing down the great symbols of Western Civilization. That is what this is about more than any individual war. This is the ancient Islamic Jihad against civilization. The Jihadists have returned to Ground Zero. https://www.frontpagemag.com/hamas-supporters-return-to-ground-zero-to-promote-terror/ KS Rajan on Five Doves: Regardless Of How Chaotic Our World Appears, God Will Accomplish His Purposes: How do we cope with living in a world that appears to be on the precipice of devastation? Some say that Bible prophecy scares people. I beg to differ. It’s the news headlines of our day that frighten those paying attention. Furthermore, a look at what Scripture says about our future prepares us for what lies ahead, produces hope in our heart, and generates a peace that truly goes beyond anything we can explain. God is sovereign over all things. He not only oversees the raging of the nations, but He also controls their destiny. Because of this, He’s able to reveal the distant future from ancient times (Isaiah 46:8-10). His ability to declare “the end from the beginning” demonstrates his sovereignty over all government leaders in our world. What we see happening today is precisely what the Lord, through His prophets, said the world would look like in the end. Regardless of how chaotic our world appears, God will accomplish His purposes for both our lives and the end of human history as we know it. The Lord’s supremacy over all things resounds in the words of Isaiah 46:10, “My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.” He will not fail to bring us to glory and fulfill all His promises to us. Regardless of what happens in our future, we rest on the expectation that Jesus is coming to take us home to glory (John 14:2-3; Colossians 3:4). This is the substance of what Paul described as our “blessed hope” (Titus 2:11-14). It’s this focus that enables us to hold our earthly aspirations loosely in our hands as we face an uncertain future.Recognize That God Is Sovereign: