Five Doves August, ...
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Five Doves August, 30th, 2020 Letters.

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Five Doves August, 30th, 2020 Letters.

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Posts: 3142
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Joined: 6 years ago

Check out Faye’s letters ...

Tuesday September 2nd  - there is a Harvest Moon or the Full Corn Moon.

Hmmm ... :scratch:  I don’t mind being called corny if it means getting harvested. :mdrmdr:   Plus corn is another name for manna from heaven.  :popcorn

She also pointed out - there will be live fire exercises being performed in the Aegean Sea by Turkey and the Bible code denoting an asteroid on September 1st. B-)

“The Aegean Sea opens up into the Mediterranean. On one side of this sea are the 7 churches of Revelation (Turkey) and on the other side of the Aegean Sea (Greece) are the churches that Paul began and ministered to in the gospels.

This is where Turkey is aggressively claiming rights - fuelling a head on confrontation with Greece. This confrontation is escalating rapidly, with neither side backing down.  I have taken this as a major heads-up to the church. When a war kicks off in that region, the church has been placed on major alert.

In view of all this, I wonder if it will be 10 days before the war is then taken to Israel? As per Revelation 2:10 and the 10 days of tribulation of Smyrna?

Again - remember where this is all taking place. The 7 churches of Revelation situated on the Turkish side and the other early churches on the Greek side. A dear sister in Christ pointed out to me that Thessalonika is situated to the north on the Greek side. There are many rapture allusions in the letters to the Thessalonians.

- Fair Use -


And if these high watch days (Tuesday / Wednesday) come and go ... we still have the super moon on September 17th :mail: and Rosh Hashanna ... :whistle:


