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Five Doves August 15th, 2021 Letters.

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No apology needed sweet sis!! I think we are all basically on the same page about the vax and where it will go from here with the quantum dot tattoo and all else....just so glad we will be gone when it gets fully implemented... and I do agree with your earlier suggestion that perhaps great earthquakes and other things will disrupt their plans for now so that it is delayed further down the road....very interesting what dutchsense has been saying about yellowstone area....a 9.0 could certainly be a game changer in the west!

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I have several issues with Steve Monette. First, his Bible translation used is the NLT. Yes, the New Living Translation. Why not just quote from The Shack?

Next, he makes a very bold statement when he says “Whose commandments do you follow, the world or God?” Well, what about 1 Peter 2:13-14 (KJV)

13 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; 14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.      In case Monette hasn’t realized it yet, we are NOT living in the Great Tribulation so those who decide to get the jab are NOT committing an unpardonable sin. Personally, I will refuse this dictate from the gov’t. My body, my choice. Period! But had I decided to get it doesn’t mean I am disobedient to God. That is simply ludicrous.

Next, “The Scriptures are VERY clear about what the Mark is?”  Really? Only if you read the NLT. Otherwise, men and women of superior credentials have not been able to determine what the Mark will be so how does this yahoo know? Brothers and sisters, PLEASE beware of those who have secret information or insight that the rest of the believing Body of Christ does not have.

He comes across to me as rather arrogant “I guess the truth really hurts” is not something a humble man would say.

And this is simply something that bugs me personally. There is no such thing as “rocket science”. It’s called Propulsion Engineering. Nit picking? Sure. But I have no ear for this guy.

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