Whether it is the 1. Global collapse 2. A Terrorist Attack 3. WWIII 4. A New Planed Demic "Small Pox" or "Moneky Pox" or a New Deadly COVID strain 5. Stronger Natural Disasters 6. Alien Deception - Revealing 7. Hyper Inflation 8. Food Shortage 9. Dollar Collapse 10 Nuclear War 11 Rapture 12. Another Planned Maui Attack People who have the "Prophecy 6th Sense" Just feel It. Anyone else have a different feeling than the ones I listed? I read a I read an article about "Cheyenne" Mountain that had me nervous about Colorado's future 🙁 I'd prefer for Rapture to be number 1 on the list rather than number 11. I'm going to continue to watch this today, boy this is something else, huh. I made a few 1-minute clips to share w/ family, no one's viewed yet. I usually get the typical, no one knows the day or the hour, or we will see, that kind of stuff. This has got me really watching between the 19th - 23rd, approx. I hope it doesn't pass on by as we all are.
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September 15, 2023 4:11 pm
3 Replies
September 15, 2023 4:13 pm
September 16, 2023 12:36 am
September 16, 2023 4:58 am