Could Ukraine be th...
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Could Ukraine be the "far north"?

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After hearing more updates about the US sending more and more weaponry and ammo to Ukraine, plus all the other countries sending money, equipment. Italy saying that they are going to cut back on energy use to help Ukraine. If you look at a globe or good world map, Ukraine sits above the black sea, directly above Turkey which is directly north of Israel. One could easily say that Ukraine is in the area of far north of Israel. What if it is the European Coalition and NATO that ends up getting the hook in the jaw? I just was thinking that there is going to be a ton of military equipment there..... :feedback

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All I know the world looks to be on the brink of nuclear war …

Check out these headline youtube titles ….

“Putin has made a decision … They have decided to use nukes, if NATO nations continue to interfere in Ukraine”

“Biden is going to Congress to ask for “new powers to seize Russian Assets”

“The U.S. has just pushed the world, on the brink of a nuclear war.”

Interesting comments

Meanwhile Putin says,  Lightning Fast, he's talking about those hypersonic missiles … he calls them … “Lucifer”.  Which, by the way, US does not have. US tested one not to long ago, it failed...Russia and China both could take us down in a heartbeat.

Another person said
Lucifer and Putin may be lightning fast, but we, who believe, shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye. WFS  (we fly soon).

Lightning fast strike from Russia (eastern Europe) against the west. Sounds familiar; Matthew 24:27 “For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”


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churchgal- i honestly don't keep up much anymore w/ the Ukraine & Russia stuff- i was tired of trying to figure out the difference between good and evil, true and false, etc - i don't think God wanted me to know and i found peace in trusting Him to know and that He is very involved in our world and it's ok to not know so very much of what's going on even with the big things....

but i have had thoughts and feelings about the weapon influxes to Ukraine, too and wondered in whose hands they would end seems that every confusing, sad, scary, deadly, frustrating, mind-blowing and again confusing thing in the world ever since covid, is "on purpose"...nothing seems to be just natural feels like there is a very deliberate physical movement going on throughout the world of not only military equipment and personnel but also civilians (war refugees, illegal immigrants, terrorist, even just usa citizens moving w/in the country) and even weapons (legally & illegally) among civilians...some world movements are actually hidden while others are under the disguise of lying about motives, yes, i could definitely see what you said being a possibility...i'd read a while back i think it was a Bible commentary of gog and magog stuff that spoke of Ukraine and areas around that sea and also included the "-stans" being involved...

cool thing is, that as much as we see or know or think that satan's plans are succeeding, we know God is doing and allowing things "on purpose" too and that satan is "on God's leash" like Pastor Lutzer says...we know satan is no equal to The Living God Almighty and that satan and all his co-horts will ultimately fail and will eventually be sent to the Lake of Fire for all eternity! :yahoo:

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I just saw this on the world clocks …

Moscow is directly in the far north of Jerusalem …   Putin “might” press the nuke(s) as early as May 1st … MAY DAY …. to us that is Sunday but in Russian time … it will be Saturday?


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geri- my mind cannot and doesn't want to fathom nukes...(not that missiles and starving etc are real pleasant either)...God's grace is sufficient...we must believe He will never leave us- all believers worldwide- or forsake us...whatever happens, Jesus is enough...more than enough...God's abundant love and incomprehensible peace is available to all who ask and receive...and we know also that at any moment, He may call us to meet our Savior in the air to be with Him forevermore!

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I sure understand gratefulforgrace, about not getting too mired in the details of this seems like bad guys fighting other bad guys and it's hard to determine who is the lesser of two evils. Since I don't trust anything coming from our government or the MSM it's almost impossible to determine what is true. I have like you basically detached myself from it in the grand scheme....but every once in a while I ponder a detail like the possibility of who Gog will entail. I am mostly concerned with details that will encourage a sooner rapture.... 😉

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Amen, Churchgal!
