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[Closed] CORONAVIRUS NEWS Here: Talk 36

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I am concerned about the future of meat, particularly since they are starting to use MRNA injections in the animals now. I recommend finding a local butcher who uses local meat if at all possible. I am fairly convinced that other chemicals in processed foods are at the least not healthy, at the worst detrimental to health. I am also very curious as to what is being sprayed in the skies but do not have any personal knowledge of what that could be.

Ivermectin is available over the counter at willing drug stores in Tennessee, a law was passed that made it over the counter in our state. The major chains don't carry it but the local and compounding pharmacies do. Some will even ship to any state if you call and request some. I can provide the numbers if you PM me, while the news is so depressing, I am encouraged when I see the Lord work :heart: , in spite of evil plans.

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Thanks.  Hopefully nobody will need it, but it's good to be aware.

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A huge Amen to that churchgal!

while the news is so depressing, I am encouraged when I see the Lord work , in spite of evil plans.


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I suspicious of the bacon … various brands each week has sales.  For the past 3 years it was untouchable closed to $9.00 - $10.00 a package and now the sales are $3.00 … I’ve been buying them for BLT’s but I wonder why is it so cheap?  Did they inject the pigs then slaughter them and now have them priced low so everyone buys it?

And my thyroid meds comes from the pigs thyroid. So I’m in deep trouble.  Oh and my thyroid meds last week for a 3 month supply … were free - no copay.  I’m just trusting the Lord to keep me from sickness until we fly out of here …

Patricia N.
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Jim Jordan’s Facebook Files: Biden Pressured Company to Remove Humorous Vaccine Posts, Info About Side Effects:

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) wrote on Friday that President Joe Biden pressured Facebook to remove “humorous” posts about the coronavirus vaccine and “true information” about coronavirus vaccine side effects.

Jordan noted that in the summer of 2021, Biden was pushing Americans to get vaccinated, which included a public and “SECRET” campaign to “get Facebook to more aggressively police vaccine-related content, including “TRUE information.”

Jordan wrote, “These subpoenaed documents continue to reveal the Biden administration’s efforts to censor speech,” teasing that they will have more revelations from Facebook.

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Brighteon University to stream Sayer Ji’s “REGENERATE Yourself Masterclass” beginning Aug 5th – life-changing knowledge – free registration


Patricia N.
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China-linked Bio Lab Discovered in Fresno Co, California – Had Over 900 Mice “Genetically Engineered to Catch and Carry the Covid-19 Virus”:

On March 3, an illegal bio lab was discovered in a believed-to-be vacant building in Reedley, California in Fresno County. City code enforcement stumbled upon the building in December 2022 when they discovered a garden hose running up into the building through a hole in the wall.  In March, they obtained a warrant to inspect the property, and in April, the Fresno County Department of Public Health ordered an inspection of the facility.

Over 900 mice were located at the facility. Court documents identify Wang Zhaolin as the Prestige representative onsite during the investigation. Zhaolin informed the investigators that “these mice were genetically engineered to catch and carry the COVID-19 virus.” Court documents describe the conditions under which the mice were housed as “inhumane.”

From May 2 through May 4, the CDC’s Division of Select Agents and Toxins inspected 850 I Street. Court documents confirm the CDC found potentially infectious agents at the location. These included both bacterial and viral agents, including chlamydia, E. Coli, streptococcus pneumonia, hepatitis B and C, herpes 1 and 5 and rubella. The CDC also found samples of malaria.

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I wonder how many more of those labs are scattered around the country.

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Probably more than we can imagine.

Patricia N.
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Many people fully vaccinated for covid are now going BLIND:

We have heard all about the many cases of myocarditis and pericarditis post-injection, as well as recipients repeatedly testing “positive” for the virus even after doing the deed. But there is another concerning side effect occurring in the “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) that is rarely mentioned: blindness.

The latest data out of the United Kingdom suggests that a growing number of fully jabbed people are losing their eyesight. The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Yellow Card system currently shows 163 cases of total blindness among people who got jabbed with the Pfizer-BioNTech needle, along with an additional six cases of central vision loss and four cases of sudden visual loss.

Another 20 people beyond that are reported to have suffered from a reaction called “unilateral blindness,” which is when a person got blind or blurred vision in just one eye (Related: Roman Abramovich recently suffered temporary blindness while attempting to broker peace talks between Russia and Ukraine; was he recently vaccinated?)

“In total, there have been 8,016 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the Pfizer jab as of 6th April 2022,” reported the Daily Exposé.

The AstraZeneca injection, which is one of the COVID jabs currently available in the U.K., is also linked to cases of blindness.  Moderna also jabs people in the UK, though at a much smaller rate than the aforementioned companies. Still, many people who take the Moderna needle are now blind as well.

Is it worth possibly going blind just to feel “protected” against a cold?

"In all, when including adverse reactions reported where the brand of vaccine was not specified, there have been 24,516 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections, with 525 of these reactions being complete blindness,” the Exposé reported.

“‘Fact-checkers’ alongside authorities have been on the case to sweep this data under the carpet and have labelled it as unreliable. Their reasoning is that ‘just because someone reports the event after having the vaccine, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is due to the vaccine.'”

"But why are the COVID vaccines causing people to go blind?”

The answer could have to do with the fact that COVID vaccines also cause major cardiovascular problems, including stroke. Visual loss often accompanies stroke, so it is all starting to make sense.

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