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[Closed] CORONAVIRUS NEWS Here: Talk 36

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Thanks Geri. I am still puzzled and angry to this day as to why so many professionals endorsed the jab.

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That's easy -- $$$

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I couldn’t and wouldn’t endorse it for the world. They had to have sold their souls.

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How mRNA works is pretty basic biology. It is not as complicated as it may sound. So in my opinion, those that endorsed it are without excuse.

Patricia N.
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Elon Musk Suggests LeBron James’ Son's Cardiac Arrest May Be Linked to Covid Vax:

Elon Musk suggested Bronny James’ health scare may be linked to the Covid vaccine.

“We cannot ascribe everything to the vaccine, but, by the same token, we cannot ascribe nothing.” Elon Musk said in a tweet. “Myocarditis is a known side-effect. The only question is whether it is rare or common.”

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I think most everyone just believed the covid "lie," hook, line and sinker. Most, whether the average person or the big professionals, believed it was a true pandemic. We've all grown up with vaccinations, so what was there to distrust right! Innocence ignorance and some following the crowd.

Who could ever even think culling was behind it all!! Too many busy living life to know or believe the sign of the times we are in.

Just like we all have those friends and family who've never listened to our witnessing, there were so many who would not believe there was an agenda behind the shots. So many have paid a price for not listening, thinking we were/are nuts.

The world was experimented on all without our knowledge or permission! Those who wouldn't listen having to pay the hard way.

I wonder how many are now saying, "I should have listened" On both counts, salvation and anti-vax.

My sister and husband got the first shot! I was shocked as we had been communicating about the whole thing going on. I just outright told her to stop! They listened. But then later they got the flu shot and for the first time were quite sick afterward. Later I saw information about the plan to now mix the vax in to the flu shots!

Just to say so many trusted in man and not God, therefor they were led astray. And how many people were forced to vax or lose their jobs and livelihoods.

The professionals came under the same demands. They bought the lie. They trusted man. It is easy for some professionals to believe if they have everything and need nothing and no one, that they are above it all and nothing negative will ever touch them. They can buy their way out of anything and are untouchable. So they didn't fear even tho they were under enforcement too like the rest of everyone.

What a toll has been taken to get the world to wake up to the lie and those behind it! Countless deaths and maiming!

I do hope and believe the result of the tragic lie is worldwide spiritual awakening and seeing the need for our God and His Son Jesus. The Crossroad of decision is here.


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Going against the narrative in the educational system is heavily refuted and careers are destroyed.

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I read (don't recall where) that there are AIs in hospitals making decisions and even if the doctors and nurses know the recommendations are wrong they do what the AI say to keep their jobs.

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What I have seen in the primary setting and in the hospital is quite staggering. Besides sudden deaths in types that are athletic, I have seen a dramatic increase in myocarditis/pericarditis, blood clots that cause heart attacks, strokes and clots in lungs and extremities. I have seen a dramatic rise in new cancers and cancer recurrence. In the cancer recurrent patients, the treatments have been considerably less effective. I have seen immune changes that is causing normally healthy people to get repeated and uncommon viral , bacterial and fungal infections. One bit of good news is that on the cancer treatment side there has been some great atypical research on meds that are anti-virals, anti-fungals and anti-parasitics plus vitamin C in larger doses being very effective. I know a stage 4 pancreatic cancer patient at this time that was referred for hospice but now after starting these treatments is cancer free, praise the Lord! The Lord is still working, in spite of the nefarious plans of others. Please pray for the people trying to practice medicine outside of governmental guidelines, we have lost community with colleagues that prefer to stay loyal to the narrative. I am not sure if it is out of laziness to do their own research, cowardice or an ignorant and naive faith in corporate medicine. A shift has begun but the fight will be difficult and I am sad that poor people will suffer most as the government will likely tie these "injections" to money at some point. I wish to see more people saved and I also long so much to go home....come Lord Jesus :prayer-hands:

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Amen churchgal! Longing for His call.

Yours is a sobering post, and we need to know. Thank you for what you have posted.

I have wondered if the vax has actually been inserted in to foods as they have claimed they want to do.

If that is the case, even those who avoided the vax could be subject in time to all you mentioned.

I have wondered if Ivermectin has become any easier to purchase these days.

Overall, I pray daily over our food and water consumption, trusting the Lord for His Word. For our home and all the Saints.


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