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[Closed] CORONAVIRUS NEWS Here: Talk 36

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By Geoffrey Grider

Reports are circulating that actor Jamie Foxx has been left ‘paralyzed and blind’ from a stroke after receiving a COVID vaccine.

No one seems to know with any certainty the true condition of Hollywood superstar Jamie Foxx, but one thing is certain, and that is that he is not making any personal appearances of any kind. An odd thing for someone whose entire career and fortune is predicated on making personal appearances and being active on social media. Where is Jamie Foxx?

“So they poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out, and said, O thou man of God, there is death in the pot. And they could not eat thereof.” 2 Kings 4:40 (KJB)

I don’t know Jamie Foxx, but I do know lots of people who took the COVID vaccine, and had a wide variety of adverse reactions from it. I know people who took it and had blood clots, heart attacks and devastating strokes. According to the VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event web site, 1,559,994 people have reported adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine, including 35,302 deaths, 19,723 heart attacks and 5,001 miscarriages just to name a few. These statistics are underreported by a factor of 10, so you do the math. If Jamie Foxx did have a stroke from the COVID vaccine, then he joins the company of people like Hank Aaron and Marvelous Marvin Haglerwho took the vaccine when they absolutely should not have. Of course, Jamie could clear this whole mystery up in a 10-second Instagram post, so why doesn’t he?


Jamie Foxx left ‘paralyzed and blind’ because of COVID-19 vaccine
FROM WION: Hollywood actor Jamie Foxx is reported to have suffered partial paralysis following a COVID-19 vaccine complication. The vaccine resulted in a blood clot in his brain that led to these terrifying health complications. Sources close to the actor revealed that he was “partially paralysed and blind” in addition to a series of other complications after the receiving the vaccine.

A journalist quoted in several reports that spoke to a source close to Jamie Foxx said, “Jamie had a blood clot in his brain after he got the shot. He did not want the shot, but the movie he was on, he was pressured to get it.” He told this on a show where he added, “The blood clot in the brain caused him at that point to be partially paralysed and blind.”

Jamie Foxx was admitted to the hospital after suffering a “medical complication” on April 11. Details of his deteriorating health conditions were kept under the wraps in these months. Jamie Foxx was filming for a film titled Back in Action when this happened. The film also stars Cameron Diaz. While Jamie was sick, the film continued production, using the actor’s body double. Jamie’s family hasn’t responded to any of this news


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The family says he is home and well and playing pickle ball, the rumors say he is injured bad from the vaccine. The simple fact is that he has not spoken on video to say he is okay and recuperating, which I believe as a major star he would do as soon as he could, like Jeremy Renner did.  Deduction of the facts leads one to believe the vaccine story is the correct one.


Another posted
When Obama was president Foxx exclaimed "Obama is my lord and savior"! I wonder if karma has struck him because of his blasphemy? You reap what you sow. Don't mock God, It won't go well with you.

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Meanwhile worldwide famine is being set up …

Per The Gateway Pundit

Ireland Plans to Slaughter 200,000 Gassy Cows to Save Planet from ‘Global Warming’


And in Italy …

(just a snap shot)



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Another posted
When Obama was president Foxx exclaimed “Obama is my lord and savior”! I wonder if karma has struck him because of his blasphemy? You reap what you sow. Don’t mock God, It won’t go well with you.

that's scary!


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Thanks, So Ready. I needed a laugh.

Trust "The science" !

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4 minute clip … Why is Everyone Getting Shingles?

Clear evidence those who took the covid jab are coming down with it.  Their immune system has weaken and it activates Shingles and most likely also promotes Cancer.   Shingles being reported after the Shringrix vaxxine and flu vaxxines, etc. as well.

Dr. Berg gives advice on preventing/relieving the attack with detoxing the body.


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Patricia N.
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CDC is caught fraudulently altering Death Certificates to hide COVID Vaccine Deaths:

An investigation of official death certificates has found that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has been committing fraud by refusing to assign the correct International Classification of Diseases code for Covid-19 vaccine side effects as the cause of death when they should have done so.

In other words, the CDC is actively engaging in a huge cover-up of deaths due to Covid-19 vaccination.

. . . Finally, the actions of the CDC call into question whether the CDC is altogether qualified or trustworthy enough to be the steward of the nation’s epidemiological data. The CDC manages many of the datasets that underpin whole fields of study. If the CDC is willing to fraudulently alter data (or even if the CDC is just too incompetent to avoid corrupting data), all data under the aegis of the CDC is potentially suspect, especially if it relates to a controversial political or social issue. The implications of this are disturbing, to say the least.

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Fully-Vaccinated USC Star Freshman Basketball Player Bronny James Age 18 Suffers Cardiac Arrest During Workout In Los Angeles On Monday

by Geoffrey Grider

Elon Musk floated the possibility that the COVID vaccine played a role in USC star freshman Bronny James suffering a cardiac arrest during a basketball workout in Los Angeles on Monday.

The fallout from the mRNA COVID vaccine continues to pile up, this time it was Bronny James, the fully-vaccinated son of the fully-vaccinated NBA star LeBron James, who suffered cardiac arrest during a basketball practice. Elon Musk took to his X platform today to start discussion about adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine, he was attacked by the ‘sponsored by Pfizer’ legacy media surprising no one. Just kick aside all those dead bodies on the ground and come get your shot. No thanks. Thank God Bronny James didn’t die, and hopefully he won’t.

“So they poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out, and said, O thou man of God, there is death in the pot. And they could not eat thereof.” 2 Kings 4:40

Every day my various news feeds are filled with accounts and stories of young people spontanesouly passing out and/or dropping dead for no apparent reason, and somehow we are supposed to just pretend that that’s not happening when it clearly is. Jamie Foxx spent the last few months in the hospital with what looks like a stroke but refuses to discuss it. Singer Tori Kelly was rushed to the ER with ‘blood clots around her vital organs’ but no one’s talking about that, either.

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Genetic material (mRNA) from a pathogen that causes your cells to produce a protein that coagulates the blood was injected into millions of people. The results should surprise no one. Having taught genetics and organic chemistry for years, I was alarmed and dismayed when this type of vaccine was first announced. I warned as many as I could. Some listened, but most didn’t.  Many of those that ignored me are sorry. Come Lord Jesus!

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Here’s another one and they are down playing it …


Shaka Hislop collapses 0n Live-TV

Per NYPost

The ESPN soccer analyst who collapsed on air during Sunday’s AC Milan and Real Madrid friendly at the Rose Bowl took to Twitter to give an update on his health.

“Well, that was awkward. What a 24 hours this has been. Listen, every so often life gives you a moment to pause, and this was mine,” Hislop, 54, said on Monday.

“My response now has to be to seek out the best medical opinion that I can get and listen to what my doctors have to say.”

Hislop was speaking with ESPN’s Dan Thomas on the sidelines before the match when he started to sway and fell face first onto the ground.

The live broadcast cut to a commercial as Thomas, who gave an update during halftime, called for help.

My mate Shaka, not here, but as it stands, it’s good news,” Thomas said on air. “He’s conscious, he’s talking. I think he’s a little embarrassed about it all, he’s apologized profusely. Not a man who likes people to make a fuss of him.”

Hislop played professional soccer for 15 years on the field in the Premier League for Reading, Newcastle United, West Ham and Portsmouth and in the MLS with FC Dallas.

The former goalie also competed at the international level for Trinidad and Tobago during the 2006 World Cup.

Hislop has been with ESPN since 2008 and thanked his colleagues for being there for him in the scary moment.

“I would like to say thanks to Dan and the ESPN family,” Hislop said.

“The camera operators, the medical staff, the Rose Bowl, all who responded in the way that they did and afforded me the care that I got, thank you.”


While waiting for answers on the road to recovery, Hislop is already excited to get back on the broadcast.

“I’m looking forward to getting back and doing what I enjoy doing most,” Hislop said. “See you in a bit.”


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Someone said he advocated the vaxx


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I admire you for warning those in your circles! :good:

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