Since we're quoting, They've got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil... -- Frank Sinatra :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: but he had no choice cause of the Tea Act Tax of May 1773 from the British East India Company to sell tea from … China! Hence the Sons of Liberty opposed the taxes and destroyed the entire shipment of tea sent over. 😂 So Thomas had to drink something else that year. Meanwhile … Drinking a bowl of green tea I stop the war. B-) - Paul Reps - :mdrmdr: Nice one, Terry! However, if it's that awful, it might as well stay in Brazil 🙂 :mdrmdr: :good: Oh … soooo looking forward to in the millennium and if assigned to teach the kids … I hope to have a lot of gurls under my wings and then … we can have tons of fun tea parties that includes cakes, cupcakes, cookies, donuts, ice cream … :whistle: And the personal invitations to all you coffee drinkers … will be like this … B-) Yep! Tea is for little girls! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Ok. I’m gonna settle this logically once and for all. C comes before T in the alphabet. Ok Geri my dear sister — I will have to excuse myself from the above pictures —- I am not a pink kind of girl — I like to climb trees (younger years); ride motorcycles, fly airplanes, camp, hike, garden, get dirty, swim in a lake, and drink COFFEE :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :good: :calvin Kent, didn’t Jesus say … “the last shall be first” so … Tea will be the honored beverage in the kingdom over coffee in this sinful life. B-) Aw Tammie, you were a tom boy … so cute! Now you will get a chance to be a girly girl with pink, lace, ruffles and water guns at the tea party. :mdrmdr: It won’t be that bad attending … we will have sumptuous desserts and I reckon we could offer lemonade as a backup beverage or hot chocolate for those who truly can’t drinketh hot or cold tea …