Or how about this one Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die —so he did not kill him but now that he has no more life of vengeance he asks “what shall I do with my life?” — maybe you could become a pirate :mdrmdr: or the classic from Buttercup — You mock my pain. Wesley said this —Why won't my arms move? And Fezzik said “You've been mostly-dead all day.” :mdrmdr: I must have watched it at least 20 times as it was my teenagers and their friends favorite movie of the time…. I think I have the thing memorized but my overall favorite line is what Fezzik said to Wesley — :mdrmdr: Or what Wesley says to Buttercup "As you wish!" :yes: Thanks Yohanan, I couldn't think of it! Asssssss youuuuuu wishhhhh! ____ Kolleen it is defiantly more importanter :mdrmdr: I made mention in another thread about a dog I had that liked coffee. She would get up in your vacant chair and lap up your coffee if you left it unattended. She managed not to tip the cup over, but she did leave a few drops on the table. She was caught one day. Mystery solved. My dear stepmom of 50 years passed a couple of years ago. I sure miss her. Such a blessing. She had just made a DELICIOUS pot of coffee and she asked me if I wanted cremate in my coffee. I told her that was gross. She looked at me puzzled and said “well you always do.” Then I realized that she inadvertently combined the names of the two nondairy creamers ”creamora” and “coffeemate.” 😳😂🤣 Kent I like a touch of “French Sweetner” from coffee mate and that is it…. Can not beat a great cup o Jo in the cold morning or any morning. I especially like sitting around a camp fire, in the cold and having a cup of fresh brewed, over the wood, in a percolator — now that is heaven on earth…. :heart:
Man in Black says to her —- Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something :mdrmdr:
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