Republicans Issue Terrifying Warning – Biden’s ATF Taking ‘Giant Leap Toward A Federal Firearm Registry’ "The rule in question, which was proposed recently, removes a 20-year burn date that the federal firearms licensees must abide by that requires them to preserve firearm purchase records older than two decades. Though this may not seem like a huge deal, the federal licensees are required to submit their records to the ATF after they close shop, which means the rule would make it so that every American gun owner’s record would eventually end up in the ATF’s hands." "This proposed rule would be a giant leap toward a federal firearm registry, which is explicitly banned by law." "If the Biden administration continues with its planned changes, ATF’s registry eventually will include 100% of firearm transactions. . . . These plans for a national registry violate federal law, infringe on the Second Amendment, and put law-abiding gun owners on the path to total gun confiscation.” I remember reading about some country where every gun was confiscated. In the beginning, all guns were required to be registered, and then later it was an easy matter for the government to take them because they knew exactly who had the weapons.
Main Forum
November 24, 2021 1:08 pm