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Patricia N.
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Study: Americans Will Need to Spend $5,200 More This Year to 'Live The Exact Same Life':

The current inflation rate, where prices are rising at the fastest pace that they have in 40 plus years, is walloping the wallets of parents. Working families are now struggling with rising gas prices, higher grocery bills, and a housing market that seems out of control — just look at rent costs that have skyrocketed as much as 40 percent in some cities. And new data from Bloomberg economists have found out just how much inflation will impact a family budget in a dollar amount this year.

“Inflation will mean the average U.S. household has to spend an extra $5,200 this year ($433 per month) compared to last year for the same consumption basket,” Bloomberg Economics reports.


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I suppose the Pope and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill better be sure to get to Jerusalem in June, since some Muslim clerics have declaring Israel will cease to exist on July 8.  These Popes revere the Koran, I suppose, so better safe than sorry to risk missing a still-intact Jerusalem.


Patricia N.
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USPS Stops Delivering Mail in Santa Monica, California After Multiple Carriers Assaulted:

“Multiple carriers have been subjected to assaults and threats of assault from an individual who has not been located or apprehended. The safety of our employees and of the mail they deliver to you is our highest concern. Until we can ensure the safety of both, delivery services will remain suspended.” – a letter from USPS said to residents in Santa Monica.

USPS did not elaborate on the assaults.

USPS says those who are affected by this mail service suspension can pick up mail at the USPS facility located at 1653 7th Street.  It’s unclear at this time when mail service will resume.



Patricia N.
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The microchip implants that let you pay with your hand:

Patrick Paumen causes a stir whenever he pays for something in a shop or restaurant.
This is because the 37-year-old doesn't need to use a bank card or his mobile phone to pay. Instead, he simply places his left hand near the contactless card reader, and the payment goes through.
"The reactions I get from cashiers are priceless!" says Mr. Paumen, a security guard from the Netherlands.
He is able to pay using his hand because back in 2019 he had a contactless payment microchip injected under his skin.
"The procedure hurts as much as when someone pinches your skin," says Mr Paumen.

A microchip was first implanted into a human back in 1998, but it is only during the past decade that the technology has been available commercially.

And when it comes to implantable payment chips, British-Polish firm, Walletmor, says that last year it became the first company to offer them for sale.  "The implant can be used to pay for a drink on the beach in Rio, a coffee in New York, a haircut in Paris - or at your local grocery store," says founder and chief executive Wojtek Paprota. "It can be used wherever contactless payments are accepted."

Mr. Paprota adds that it is entirely safe, has regulatory approval, works immediately after being implanted, and will stay firmly in place. It also does not require a battery or other power source. The firm says it has now sold more than 500 of the chips.

For many of us, the idea of having such a chip implanted in our body is an appalling one, but a 2021 survey of more than 4,000 people across the UK and the European Union found that 51% would consider it.

[A Christian friend of mine actually told me about this and she was so excited that it would be a wonderful convenience!  I had to remind her about the Mark of the Beast.]


Patricia N.
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Dramatic Increase of Earthquakes:

In the last 100 years, 6.3 magnitude and above.

     (less than three minutes long)

Patricia N.
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Pope Francis Abandons Christ's Cross to Appease Muslims:

Although it is traditional for papal podiums to depict the crucifix, during his recent visit to the island of Malta, Pope Francis ditched the cross lest it offend Muslim migrants.  As the archdiocese of Malta openly admitted, “The podium will not be adorned with a crucifix, given that the majority of migrants are Muslim.”

Instead, the podium backdrop used by Francis consisted of recycled plastic bottles with red blobs meant to highlight the two primary reasons Francis was visiting Malta—to defend migrants and the environment: “When you look deeper, you will see that the sea is made of recycled plastic bottles, because there is more plastic than fish in our sea,” artistic director Carlo Schembri explained.  “And the red blobs are life jackets — the lives of people lost at sea.”  This was meant to highlight the hazards illegal Muslim migrants experience crossing the Mediterranean.

Perhaps Francis, whose Maltese mission was in large part to support the many Muslim migrants who have flooded the tiny island, removed the cross as a precaution—lest offended Muslims cause a scene and thus compromise his advocacy for them as poor victims in need of more state aid and concessions.  After all, and as is well documented in this article, past and present, Muslims have engaged in an unwavering pattern of desecrating and destroying the cross, especially in churches and Christian cemeteries.


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Soooo, what is to say that unsavory people force your hand over the card readers and take your purchases!?? A new potential target for criminals.


Patricia N.
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I suppose they could, especially now with the self-checkout systems.


Patricia N.
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Divorce Filings Jump 50 Percent in Week After UK Introduces ‘No Fault’ Law:

The introduction of “no-fault” divorce laws in Britain has resulted in a 50 percent increase in divorce filings in the first week of its implementation.

Last week, the UK changed divorce laws in order to remove clauses requiring spouses to prove they have been subject to “unreasonable behavior” such as abandonment or adultery, or that the couple had lived separately for between two and five years.

Commenting on the massive upswing in filings, the founder of the campaign group Fathers4Justice, Matt O’Connor said in comments provided to Breitbart London: “The rush to divorce seen across the country since the introduction is creating a class of McDads, whose lives and interests are as disposable as a burger wrapper.”

O’Connor said that the introduction of no-fault divorce will lead to greater alienation, suffering, and suicide among fathers in Britain.

“Our worst fears are being realized with this spike in divorces which will hit men and fathers most due to the sexist, outdated stereotyping of the courts which dictate children live with their mothers in the family home. We believe urgent reform is needed to introduce divorce equality and parental equality for dads.

“No-Fault sounds great, but it will also mean no hope, and no chance for countless fathers as they see the families stripped away from them due to archaic beliefs and practices in the system.”

The introduction of no-fault divorce in the United States, first enacted in California in 1969 before spreading to other states, has been credited with ushering in a slew of societal problems throughout America.


Patricia N.
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7 Dangers Of Neglecting Biblical Prophecy In The Pulpit:    [There is much more in the article; I have only put the main points here.]

Pastor Tom Hughes of the 412 Church in San Jacinto, California, wrote an article titled, “Five Reasons Pastors Don’t Teach Bible Prophecy.” Below are the five reasons from his article.

They don’t understand prophecy
They fear offending members of the church
They sense it will scare people
They fear people will stop giving
They fear looking like fringe groups who take things to an extreme
Even though written several years ago, the list remains relevant today. Fear stands out as the key motive behind the silence. Pastors also say they do not understand prophecy, but do they take the time to learn or turn to those who do understand it?

Someone might ask: “Why does that matter? Does it really make a difference if preachers keep quiet on future things as long as they proclaim the Gospel with biblical clarity?”

It not only matters a great deal, but it’s also dangerous to ignore a topic that the Bible emphasizes over and over again. The neglect of biblical prophecy in the pulpit results in:

1. Believers Relying Upon Social Media And The Internet For End Times Theology
2. The Flourishing Of False Teaching
3. Believers Looking To This Life For Their Immediate Hope
4. Reduced Motivation For Godly Living
5. Believers That Are Unprepared For The Dangers That Lie Ahead For This World
6. Believers Not Watching For The Lord’s Appearing As Jesus Instructed Us To Do
7. The Convergence Of Prophetic Signs

by Jonathan Brentner



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