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2020 Off to a Roaring Start – Better Buckle-Up Part 6

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Yikes ... so sinister!   I always wondered what would be the last straw before God says enough.  I think this could be it ... He’s certainly going to take His church safely home soon!

I just watched another one of Brother Paul’s updates called (Knesset to dissolve after passing Abraham Accords). Since both Benny’s can’t agree on the budget ... Israel will soon (I think he said end of the month ... Oct 31?) will NOT have a government once more. :groan

In the comment section I just learned ...

Israel’s summer season is different from ours ... ours ended last month but Israel’s ends on this Sunday, Oct 25th.

Israel Summer Time (Hebrew: שעון קיץ‎ sha'on kayits "Summer Clock"), also in English, Israel Daylight Time (IDT) is the practice in Israel by which clocks are advanced by one hour, beginning on the Friday before the last Sunday of March, and ending on the last Sunday of October.
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So keep looking up we got some high watch dates ...

Oct 25th - Oct 31st

Nov 1st (All Saints Day)

Oct 27 - 28  (Noah entered the ark - 7 days prior to the flood)?

Cheshvan 17 -  Nov 3 - Nov 4 (day of US Elections)

Cheshvan 17 - Day of Noah’s Flood





Todd Tomlinson
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So glad we're about to be removed from this world.    This is all just craziness.

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Brrrr, hope everyone in the Northern and midwest states is ready for this low that is coming!

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Gonna' blow out my sprinkler pipes so "whomever" lives here and wants to water the lawn next Spring after we're gone, can do so. :yes:  And imagine, we will be free of water bills and electrical bills.  And all manner of telecom service bills.

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Thanks for the heads up.  Yes, crazy weather.  Last night I had the heat on so it stays 70 degrees for my dog to sleep comfortably and upstairs I had the thermostat off completely ... I can sleep in a cold room as long as I have a few blankets.   Today was back to warm temps again and I’m in shorts.   I’m sorry I slid the AC out of the window thinking I wouldn’t need it anymore.

Went to super Walmart ... I wanted pomegranates and was able to stock up on them.  I haven’t been there in a few weeks and they are now accepting cash once more at their self check-out registers.

I asked the sales clerk  when did the switch back to cash payments occur?  She said 2 weeks ago.  I asked so you have enough coins again ... she said for now but who knows if the shortages will happen again.

There was hardly anybody in the store.  I’ve never seen it so empty of people. I wonder if they lost some business with their policy of “only electronic payments”?  Meanwhile the Dollar Store, Dollar General, etc. were jammed packed with shoppers because they accept any form of payment.

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I haven't been in WalMart for months but that's where I do most all my grocery shopping.  Just back into a grocery pickup space and pop the trunk.  They know me by name.  Online is great!  And not going into the store eliminates a lot of unneeded "impulse buys."

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I noticed the parking spaces designated for curb-side pickup.  I was curious how that works  ... do you have to call them to say you’re in the parking lot in space numbered ...?  Or do you give them a time before you head out when you will be there and they are waiting for you?  Also do they give you very ripe bananas, bruised fruit, dented cans or expired things? :scratch:    That’s what I’m afraid of.

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If I have to go to the store, I get it done and over with as early as possible.

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I have noticed Walmart, Kroger, and even Sams has not been stocked well lately. I’ve thought about the car pick up idea, but I’m so picky on my veggies and fruits. I typically order from a co-op, or my hydroponics is fruiting again, so that’s helpful too.

I did go by Sams today to “stock up” (TP, paper items :mdrmdr: ) —- if we are delayed to fly home :flyup: , need to be prepared for the potential “civil war” (as the left has threatened).  The supply lines and some larger cities might feel the effects of evil that could disrupt the supply chain even more.

Seriously praying to go home sooner than later, but God does say to be ready .... the following verse fell into my memory “cup” about a month ago and I thought it rather odd at the time .... but have sense felt the urgency to be vigilant, be watchful, be ready, and pray —- not sure what it all means but trying to be obedient to that still small voice :unsure:

1 Peter 1:13 “Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

If not for me, maybe the poor souls left behind :unsure: :prayer-hands:

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